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Winnipeg Grain Exchange Closing Right in Time for the Cycle

  Canada’s last commodity exchange is closing. The Winnipeg Grain Exchange, which was established in 1887, will shut down for good after its owner transfers the bourse’s only remaining futures contract to New York. It is ironic that when a decision like this is made, it is often a sign of a major change in […]

Fed is Moving to Allow Proprietary Trading Again?

  QUESTION: Why is the Fed moving to relax the Volcker Rule and allow banks to once again engage in proprietary trading? I figure if anyone knew the truth, it would be you Thank you in advance PH ANSWER: Yes, the Federal Reserve Board wants to roll back the Volcker Rule, which was imposed to […]

Scandinavia Receiving Capital Inflows As Well As Poland & Hungary

Just to Clarify, we are also picking up Capital Inflows from the EU moving into Scandinavia – Denmark, Sweeden & Norway. We also see money moving into Poland and Hungary which appears to be some diversification movement. What has become increasingly apparent is the mere fact that confidence among SERIOUS money is starting to realize the […]

Warning Capital Outflows from Europe Are the Greatest in the World Economy

  Our models based upon reliable source flow data is currently showing that the Eurozone is the NUMBER ONE place in the world with the greatest amount of capital fleeing than any other region in worldwide. This is indicating that the CONFIDENCE in the Euro Project appears to be collapsing among the most conservative elements […]

The Pension Crisis Will Break Up the EU

The German public broadcast agency ARD is proposing structural changes. Due to the low-interest rates, the ECB has placed the agency in hard times with its pensions. Karola Wille, the director, has called for structural reform to reduce costs. The proposal centers on technological change to increase efficiency in the performance of its mandate. They are […]

Euro & Varying Volatility

QUESTION: Hello Mr. Martin Armstrong. Why is it that if EURUSD goes down 20 – 30 pips other pairs with the EUR – such as the EURAUD or EURNZD go down 50 – 150 pips? Why such difference and volatility with these pairs? JMF ANSWER: The reason for this is simply that the US dollar […]

Knee-Jerk v Reactions v Trend Changes

QUESTION: Hi Martin Was curious if you could address what Socrates has popped up on the last report….of a “Knee Jerk Low” this quarter. Is this a possibility that we should be on guard for? A very thankful follower of your work!! C ANSWER: The terminology I have developed is unique and it comes from actually […]

Catalonia Restores its Own Government

With the collapse of the head of Spain, Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy, and the change in hands of the state to the Socialist Pedro Sanchez, the Nationalists retook control of Catalonia’s regional government on Saturday. A new cabinet was sworn in ending just over seven months of direct rule from Madrid by Rajoy. The cabinet is now led […]

Making Sense of The Federal Reserve

  I was giving a lecture in Toronto to our institutional clients years ago and the central bank of Canada came with ten people. It was an interesting session because the audience began to ask me questions about what the central banks were looking at to make their decisions. I would answer and then the […]

Is Germany Heading to a Policial Crisis in 2019?

  The German Bild newspaper, which has been a staunch supporter of  Chancellor Angela Merkel, has just reported on Sunday with the headline “Merkel knew about asylum failure” demonstrating that her support is declining steadily and the entire refugee crisis in Europe has been her making unilaterally without ever asking the leaders of other member […]