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Pound v Euro – Should Britain Just Leave? Is the Euro a Doomed Currency?

The European Union will hit Britain with punitive fines of £90 million next year if David Cameron refuses to pay a £1.7 billion bill from Brussels. If Cameron has any guts, he will lead Britain out of the EU before it is too late – that’s what Maggie Thatcher would do. Maggie warned that the danger of […]

Gold – Still on Track

No. I have not forgotten about gold. Yes we are making new lows in Nearest Futures. Gee – it is declining with oil that the same crowd swore the numbers on oil production were manipulated to make people think there was a glut. Then they said prices were declining for the elections. Excuses piled upon […]

Just Amazing – Witch-Doctors of Finance

COMMENT: Marty, I have got to say following you on the Dow has been an amazing live demonstration of what you have achieved. You call the July high, then said the market would rally into the ECM in September and then warned of a crash. The market turned down the week after the ECM peaked […]

Cyclical Analysis – Perhaps One Day it will be Taught in University

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I have been working on a trading desk for 4 years now. I have got to say, everyone reads you. The general comment around here in the bank is never be on the opposite side of your computer. Some still say you manipulate the world and others say you are the father […]

Burkina Faso In Revolution – Rising Distrust of Politicians

Politicians are all the same no matter what country, color or religion. Once someone tastes power, it simply kills them to hand it back. In the little know West African country of Burkina Faso, protests were sparked by the government’s attempt to push a constitutional change through parliament to allow the 63-year-old President Blaise Compaore to seek […]

Are Americans Ignorant or victims of Yellow Journalism?

Reuters has published the result of what is being touted as the Ignorance Index. The one question as an example: “Guess how many U.S. girls aged 15-19 give birth each year. Go ahead, guess. If you calculated the number at 3 percent you’re correct; if you guessed 24 percent, you’re American.” I rarely watch TV. […]

Hillary – Says Business does NOT Create Jobs – Washington Does?

  We have a very serious problem with Hillary. I was asked years ago to review Hillary’s Commodity Trading to explain what went on. Effectively, they did trades and simply put winners in her account and the losers in her lawyer’s. This way she gets money that is laundered through the markets – something that […]

Earth’s Magnetic field could FLIP in our Lifetime

    In the Maya Discovery of Time report I discussed the real strength of the Maya’s discovery of cycles. Of course there were the traditional people who grab everything and twist it into the next conspiracy theory that the world is coming to an end. What they obfuscate is the truth and the importance […]

Maya Discovery of Time

This is a special report unlike anything out there. The Maya Calendar has been usurped by so many for nefarious conspiracies that the world would end in 2012 – well we are still here. Nevertheless, the distortion of the Maya calendar is a truly tragic consequence of those always trying to sell doom and gloom. […]

Hedge Funds get Hit – Unable to See TIME – “Rich Man’s Panic of 2014”

The rumors we were reporting on the street about the Hedge Funds appear to be true. They have been unable to see time as so often the case and have been hit with the worst losses in Industry’s history since 2011. This may indeed contribute to what we see with the postponement of the Phase […]