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Hillary’s Corruption Knows No End

The revelations about Hillary are never ending. Even Donald Trump who admits buying politicians donated $100,000 to Hillary’s Foundation back in 2009. While others were handing her tens of millions to get deals from the State Department, with a token $100,000, Trump was obviously just putting his name on the list for influence as he […]

Market Talk – August 22nd, 2016

The Nikkei (cash market) had a lot to recover having just returned but recover it did. The early bounce was pulled back then the Friday afternoon recovery took over and we closed just off the days highs (+1.2%). China’s Industrial Output was expected at 6.1% but came in a little short at 6% which did […]

Gold – When Money Dies

QUESTION: Hi Marty,   I read your post on gold today. After crash and burn, all those that are holding paper money will take a haircut.  So, irregardless of how high physical gold goes per ounce, at least it is a tangible asset, as opposed to what (toilet) paper money may be worth…am I seeing […]

Knee Jerk v Spike v Temp v Reaction Events

QUESTION: All energy says spike low on monthly global market watch. Now we had a correction from 52 to $39 so that qualifies but we also had a rally from 39 to 47 so does it still qualify? If Socrates uses the last data point 47 it would not be a spike low  but if it accesses […]

Market Talk – August 18, 2016

Exporters within the Nikkei weighed heavy on the index today eventually closing down 1.55% at 16,486. Watching the JPY trade below par was no surprise the likes of Mazda, Toyota and Nissan all traded around 2% lower. Exports for July were the worst seen in seven years down nearly 25% YoY. China played in a […]

Market Talk – August 15, 2016

Marginally disappointing as far as Japan is concerned, but having just seen Q2 GDP at zero (against estimation of +0.2%) already called down from the 0.5% seen in Q1, it was no surprise the market was torn today. The strength of both the Shanghai and Hang Seng lifted sentiment more than prices which certainly gave […]

Islam v Christianity Part II

This contest between Islam and Christianity is primarily at the elite level. The bulk of those in Turkey do not support the idea of returning to the days of old. Of course, both Hitler and Napoleon dreamed about resurrecting the Roman Empire. By no means did this same dream infect the general population. These types […]

Market Talk – August 12, 2016

The Nikkei (cash market) had a lot to recover having just returned but recover it did. The early bounce was pulled back then the Friday afternoon recovery took over and we closed just off the days highs (+1.2%). China’s Industrial Output was expected at 6.1% but came in a little short at 6% which did […]

Market Talk – August 11, 2016

Yet another rather uneventful session made even worse by the fact that Japan had a national holiday. Early trading in the Shanghai tended to follow the weak US sentiment but despite flipping in both directions, eventually closed down but above the psychological 3k level. Hang Seng performed well and it could be said took a […]

Market Talk – August 10th, 2016

  A weaker opening for the Nikkei was off-set by better than expect economic data (Machine Orders) by lunchtime. The majority of the afternoon trading was in the positive but eventually closed small down. Many are concerned that the JPY may attempt a summer break of the 100 level which has the tendency to weigh […]