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Beware of Bond Funds

QUESTION #1: Dear Mr Armstrong, you recently wrote that if you are in any bond fund, better get out. Do you also mean corporate short-term/medium-term bonds or are those expected to rise when people realise government debt is the real bubble ? Kind regards. WL. QUESTION #2:  Mr. Armstrong- I enjoyed my first WEC immensely! In […]

Proof the Press is Rigged

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong; I am fairly new to your blog. I was told by two friends that you said not just that Trump would win and Brexit, but that the stock market would breakout to new highs and gold would decline for more than the last two years. I followed most of the big names […]

Market Talk – December 16, 2016

Even with much of core Asia selling-off Japan managed a small positive return aided by the ever weakening currency. There was a similar picture painted in China where the Shanghai exchange managed a small gain but to the detriment of the Yuan. The PBOC set the currency at its weakest in eight years at 6.9508 […]

Market Talk – December 15, 2016

Asia was encouraged by the wests acceptance of the Italian vote and especially the Euro’s strength. Bouncing off of the key 105 levels has created a triple bottom which, if breaks, propels the market lower. we were already aware of the Nikkei’s performance through the futures contract and so cash opening created the days highs […]

Fed Raises Rates Quarter Point

The Fed raised the interest rate a quarter-point increase in the discount, or primary credit, rate, from 1 percent to 1.25 percent, and moved its target range from a range of 0.25 percent to 0.5 percent to 0.5 percent to 0.75 percent. The overnight funds rate currently sits at 0.41 percent. The Fed was citing the […]

Fed to Be of Not to Be This Week – 14th

Today, any information ahead of something like a rate hike is seen as insider trading. But back during the 1970s going into 1981, things were different. The banks were not big proprietary traders. I would routinely get a call that the Fed would raise rates in 15 minutes. It was not that someone was trying […]

Market Talk – December 9, 2016

The euphoria created yesterday by the ECB continued in to Asia and especially Japan – again. The Yen has started to feel the heat as prices take out the 114 handle again and we make our way towards 115. The Nikkei closing the day up 1.25% has established a new high for the 2016. Producer […]

Market Talk – December 8, 2016

The Nikkei closed today at its highest level for the year which included a well behaved Yen. Closing up +268 points (+1.45%) certainly puts it in good shape for the year end rally. Shanghai and Hang Seng were mutually off-set (+0.2%/-0.2%) with many just waiting for the ECB rate decision and being led by the […]

Freedom of Movement – Four Aspects Under Assault

We tend to assume that the freedom of movement is confined solely to migration and travel. There are four aspects to the freedom of movement, and migration or travel is only one. Yes, we warned that the Schengen Agreement would come to an end and the European refugee crisis has enabled that decline. We warned that this agreement, […]

Market Talk – December 6, 2016

Asia was encouraged by the wests acceptance of the Italian vote and especially the Euro’s strength. Bouncing off of the key 105 levels has created a triple bottom which, if breaks, propels the market lower. we were already aware of the Nikkei’s performance through the futures contract and so cash opening created the days highs […]