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World Real Estate Report

Our “World Real Estate Report” is now available for all clients. The report, priced at $400, is a combination of part I and II of the “Real Estate” reports, which are a combined 226 pages. This report provides an overview of the markets around the world with respect to real estate and the trends in […]

Refugees Vanish After Entry in East Germany

Thousands of refugees disappeared in East Germany without a trace after the initial reception. This merely highlights the security risks for Europe as a whole. The politicians just do not get it. The situation cannot be properly managed. The idea behind this move by Merkel has been to expand the population to sustain the tax levels […]

ISIS Stage Attacks in Thailand

It has now been reported that 10 ISIS members entered into Thailand last month with the purpose of attacking Russian interests based upon a leaked Thai police memo. The memo cites that the Russian Federal Security Service (FSB) that sent info to Thailand’s National Security Council informing them that they entered between Oct. 15 and Oct. 31. […]

World War III & a Pipeline

To understand what is really behind the curtain regarding the Middle East, ISIS, Turkey, and the USA’s strategic attempt to reduce Russia’s control over energy to Europe, we must start back in 2009 when Qatar proposed a pipeline plan to Assad to send its natural gas to Europe via Saudi Arabia, Syria, and Jordan. Assad […]

"Cry 'Havoc !' and Let Slip the Dogs of War"

COMMENT: Mr Armstrong; I am a reformed goldbug who was naive to put it mildly but my wife called it stupidity. You have been correct and they have been wrong but that is just the surface. What you have opened my eyes to is the cyclical nature of everything around us. Not just markets, you […]

Market Talk – November 24th, 2015

The morning session in Asia was rather dull but all recovered in the afternoon into positive territory with the exception being Hang Seng (which was still down -0.3%). Europe drifted into the negative shortly after the open as news was still focused on the nervous Belgium shut-down. All trading was dull and in thin conditions […]

USA Losing Sovereignty to World Fiscal Mismanagement

The IMF and many economists (domestic and foreign) are now warning that a rate hike by the U.S. Federal Reserve, no matter when, will spark a major economic crisis in the emerging markets. They see this crisis being ripe for countries with high budget deficits, such as Turkey, as well as commodity-based economies. This includes […]

Ancient International Tourism

QUESTION: Is it true that tourism existed in ancient times? I was in Italy and the guide said this was an ancient tradition. ANSWER: Augustus (27 BC-14 AD) wiped the Mediterranean clean of pirates, making international travel possible for more than just trade. The roads and highways were safe for travel, and a viable hotel (inn) […]

IMF Warns That We Have a New Crisis Coming

  QUESTION: Marty; You mentioned that you met with a board member of the IMF. It certainly seems you are having a much larger impact than you may realize. The IMF is now warning of a crash. Do you think you can help reverse the trend if given the chance? Thank you for caring BG […]

NATO Warns Russia to End Air Strikes

The BBC reported that NATO has issued a warning to Russia calling for an end to its air strikes that are targeting U.S. trained forces who have been trying to overthrow the Syrian government. Quite frankly, the U.S. policy to get rid of Assad because he is supported by Russia is absurd and seriously risks international war. Even if […]