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Are We Getting Sea Life High on Opioids?

  Believe it or not, mussels in Seattle are testing positive for opioids. Mussels are what are known as “filter feeders” since they absorb food from their surrounding environment. The problem that is surfacing is demonstrating the difference between “pollution” and “climate change,” which so many people assume are the same thing. Mussels absorb also […]

Hawaiian Volcanic Lava Flowing into the Sea – Spectacular

Are Politicans Doomed?

COMMENT: Dear Mr. Armstrong, You are writing: “Donald Trump is the symptom, not the cause” He is a unique personality. I am a structural engineer and work with micro Trumps. Maybe such people choose the profession as building contractors. The similarities are stunning. To get Donald Trump, you must have one. We here in Germany don´t have such […]

Clinton Says He Would Not Be Elected Today

  Bill Clinton came out with a shot against Trump saying he would not be elected today BECAUSE he does not like insulting people as Trump does. It seems to me that the press is all over Trump for having sex with a porn star years ago, which was obviously consensual. The press seems to […]

Volcanic Activity Melting Ice at the North & South Poles

Scientists have long suspected that there is a thermal heat source under the ice in Antarctica that may be the real cause of some ice melting in that region rather than climate change theories. NASA has confirmed that indeed this heat source exists which many have been searching for over a long period of time. At […]

Irish Pension Invested in Italian Bonds?

QUESTION: Hi Marty, I hope you’re keeping well? More news from the “EU beacon of light” for you. I’ve enclosed an article regarding Irish pension money in Italian bonds. This is very very scary if true and we really are heading for a disaster from which a little country like ours won’t recover if we […]

How Can There be Thousands of Cryptocurrencies?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; There are these people so desperate to argue that cryptocurrency will change the world, I have heard the same pitch behind gold and I suspect most are just goldbugs who gave up and moved to cryptocurrencies. The same arguments of fiat and central banks are at the base of this as well. […]

Kilauea jolted the Island with a 5.4 magnitude Earthquake & Ash reaching 10,000 feet above sea level

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong; It is really getting bad here in Hawaii. Thank you for your writings on volcanos. It helped me convince my family to move to another island. There was a very loud explosion. That was simultaneous with a fairly large earthquake here we felt everywhere. It really keeps getting worse. Thank you REPLY: […]

Winnipeg Grain Exchange Closing Right in Time for the Cycle

  Canada’s last commodity exchange is closing. The Winnipeg Grain Exchange, which was established in 1887, will shut down for good after its owner transfers the bourse’s only remaining futures contract to New York. It is ironic that when a decision like this is made, it is often a sign of a major change in […]

Fed is Moving to Allow Proprietary Trading Again?

  QUESTION: Why is the Fed moving to relax the Volcker Rule and allow banks to once again engage in proprietary trading? I figure if anyone knew the truth, it would be you Thank you in advance PH ANSWER: Yes, the Federal Reserve Board wants to roll back the Volcker Rule, which was imposed to […]