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Where to Live in the Meltdown?

QUESTION: Marty, Tks for all your help and free education services. When the 3rd world is crushed in USD denominated debt and there is a world currency reset after the pension crisis in the west/US, will Asia be the best place to be? What Asian countries does Socrates say will be best? Cheers Baldy NZ & […]

Market Talk – June 4, 2019

ASIA / AUSTRALIA: The U.S. reacted to China’s claim that the “U.S. [is] applying too much pressure” to the deal by stating China is playing a “blame game” by misrepresenting the trade talks between the two countries. The U.S. Department of State head Mike Pompeo released a press statement attacking China over their handling of […]

Market Talk – June 3, 2019

ASIA / AUSTRALIA: There has been hardly any progress regarding the U.S.-Chinese trade deal. On Sunday, Chinese officials and trade negotiators warned the U.S. of using pressure to force a trade deal on China. “If the U.S. side wants to use extreme pressure, to escalate the trade friction, to force China to submit and make […]

Global Warming – Just Follow the Money

I just returned from New York City, the armpit of the world since I never saw an apple tree there yet, and I had a very interesting meeting behind the curtain. I thought I would share this subject which they agreed I could go public on without names of course. Besides the fact that there […]

Market Talk – May 31, 2019

ASIA / AUSTRALIA: Some positive news for US-Chinese relations as Tesla has started to take pre-orders on it cheaper Model 3 cars from its Gigafactory based in Shanghai. The construction of the factory only started at the beginning of January and is expected to open later this year. The former governor of the People’s Bank […]

Market Talk – May 30, 2019

ASIA / AUSTRALIA: China accused the U.S. of “economic terrorism.” The Ministry of Foreign Affairs said the White House had “brought huge damage to the economy of other countries and the U.S. itself,” spokesperson Lu Kang told reporters in Beijing on Thursday. China has now reportedly stopped ordering soy from the U.S. over the trade […]

Market Talk – May 29, 2019

ASIA / AUSTRALIA: There seems to be no end to the US-China trade deal in sight. China is signaling that it could increase tariffs on rare earth materials, which are essential for components in the tech industry. The governments of the United States and Japan have agreed to further cooperation in space, which could include […]

World Trade

COMMENT: Hi Marty I agree with Trump. Assembling in the U S is not sufficient. We need the supply chain parts (eg manufacturing ) in the US. What do we do when we get in a war with say China – do we submit an order to china for parts to assemble a ship? Does […]

Market Talk – May 28, 2019

ASIA / AUSTRALIA: After U.S. President Trump’s visit to Japan concluded, he stated he expects Japan’s military to reinforce the U.S. forces throughout Asia and elsewhere. Meanwhile, Chinese Vice President Wang Qishan is visiting Pakistan before he heads to Europe as both nations are trying to show up regional allies as tensions rise. The founder […]

World Trade & Competitive Advantage

QUESTION: Hi Marty, I was surprised to see this post. While I can understand from a dollars and cents perspective you may be for global trade and globalism itself, the American worker and American domestic businesses have suffered greatly in the last twenty years since jobs and companies moved to China and then sell us […]