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Non-Farm Payrolls Blowout All the Analysts Show USA is Still Holding Up the World

The blowout numbers on job creation in the United States economy demonstrates that the USA is indeed holding up the world right now. The U.S labor market in May came in with Non-farm payrolls up 223,000. The unemployment rate now matches April 2000 as the lowest since 1969 coming in at 3.8%. You really have […]

Policing for Profit Goes to Federal Court

  Lawyers have brought a lawsuit against towns in Georgia for using tickets as the major revenue source to fund their pensions and budgets. The City of Doraville, Georgia is facing a federal lawsuit that alleges the city is illegally making millions of dollars preying on residents and visitors in a deliberate scheme to write tickets and […]

Florida Hurricanes & Yes I ran a Model

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Did you run a model on Florida hurricanes before you moved there? KE ANSWER: Of course. First of all, I chose Tampa area because it is the least impacted area. The local joke here is that the people say the Indian gods protect the area. This is where the Seminole Indians set […]

Debt is Only Money that Pays Interest

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I listened to your interview with Greg Hunter on USA Watchdog. For the first time, I really understand that debt is money that pays interest. That is the real money supply which is leveraged. It is the interest that keeps expanding the debt and forcing taxes higher and higher until it can’t expand anymore. […]

Cryptocurrency Changing the World?

  I do not know how else to say this. Cryptocurrencies are an ASSET CLASS and they are something to TRADE. All this stupid nonsense that they will revise the world monetary system with no pain and governments will be brought to the knees without firing a shot, I really do not know who makes […]

Seattle Made Top 10 Most Expensive Cities to Live Before the Homeless Tax

  Business Insider has published a map of the top 10 most expensive places to live and work and guess what – Seattle is in the list even before they impose this new outrageous tax of $275 per employee for companies that do more than $20 million in business annually. They claim it is for the homeless people which […]

Turkey on Watch for Monetary Collapse

Erdogan has asked all the Turkish people to convert their dollars to Turkish Lira. This is a desperate act. The rumors behind the curtain are running wild. Many are concerned that Erdogan’s policies have just destroyed the confidence in his government both internally and externally. Turkey is now on watch for a possible monetary collapse. The key […]

Will We Have Anything Left to Leave Our Grandchildren?

QUESTION: Martin Thanks again for all you do. The subtext of most of what you talk about is overwhelmingly negative. Inflation, deflation, earthquakes, disease, government default, over taxation….. etc. Am I correct in thinking that despite your advice you anticipate most of your readers, even the most wealthy, will be left with little to hand over […]

When to Pull the Trigger

QUESTION: I am just a little guy who invests in mutual funds and a few stocks. Ever since I started reading your blog, I have felt a sense of comfort in knowing that eventually, everything will work out because all this has happened before. It is also nice not to feel like I am swinging […]

A Volcano & the Last Little Ice Age

In the upland region of Southern Peru, there is a volcano by the name of Huaynaputina which to this day remains one of the largest ever to erupt in South America. It exploded on February 19th, 1600, and is recorded as the largest volcanic explosion ever in South America. However, studies have shown around the world that […]