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EU Elections

Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras has called a snap election after disappointing results from his party in the European Elections. His Syriza party was estimated to have received just 23.94% of votes in the elections, trailing behind its main opposition party New Democracy, which received 33.28%. A far-right party in Italy’s of Deputy Prime Minister Matteo […]

The Demise of the British Conservative Party?

The term “Conservative” was suggested as a title for the party by a magazine article by J. Wilson Croker in the Quarterly Review in 1830. The name immediately caught on and was officially adopted under the aegis of Sir Robert Peel around 1834. However, it really began to take shape in 1812 when the name […]

Chaos of Weather Record Heat Wave Coming – Fraud of Linear Predictions

This weekend the forecasts are calling for a blistering, dangerous heat wave which is poised to scorch the southeastern U.S. over the Memorial Day weekend. I warned that our computer was showing a sharp increase in volatility in the weather. The winters would spike to new record lows and then the summers would spike to […]

Market Talk – May 24, 2019

ASIA / AUSTRALIA: China is accusing the U.S. of seeking to take over and capture global business. However, Beijing stated today that they are committed to striking a deal with the U.S., even with pressure against Chinese company Huawei. The Chinese Ambassador to the U.S. is asking for a balanced approach to the trade deal, […]

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Idaho Repeals Its Entire Regulatory Code

Believe it or not, sometimes there is a glimmer of hope. The glimmer came in Idaho and stunned governments around the world. Idaho’s state legislature just opted to repeal the entire state regulatory code. The greatest problem with regulation is that it remains there forever. There are so many laws that everyone breaks every day […]

Market Talk – May 20, 2019

ASIA / AUSTRALIA: Chinese telecommunications manufacturer Huawei has been banned from the recent updates from Google’s Android system. Currently, Huawei is the second largest manufacturer of smartphones. They will, however, be allowed on the latest released version of Google’s Android operating system which is open sourced. The CEO of Huawei previously stated that the company […]

Market Talk – May 17, 2019

ASIA / AUSTRALIA: Luckin Coffee, a Chinese coffee company (whom many consider growing competitor to Starbucks) successfully raised 651 million in an IPO in the US. The stock initially rallied up from $17$ to $25, and closing the day just over $20 (+19.88%). The global markets slipped today over reports that the US and China […]

Market Talk – May 16, 2019

ASIA / AUSTRALIA: After President Trump’s national emergency call over IT technology, China has threatened to retaliate against the US with sanctions. China sees America’s action as an attempt to restrict international trade by prohibiting the Chinese technology giant Huawei. There also seems to be a trend in China where people are calling for a […]

Market Talk – May 15, 2019

ASIA / AUSTRALIA: President Xi Jinping urged fairness and openness when he was presenting at a conference on Dialogue of Asian Civilizations in Beijing. “Thinking that one’s own race and culture are superior, and insisting on transforming or even replacing other civilizations, is stupid in its understanding and disastrous in practice.” He further added, “There […]