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Gold Report

  OK – we have received so many emails request an electronic PDF version. We will post tomorrow the gold section which is about 200 pages by itself. We will post the silver next week with Platinum, Palladium, and Copper. Because of worldwide demand for this report, we have issued it in terms of all […]

What Will Be Worse This Time Around?

QUESTION: Dear Marty, I’ve attended several of your conferences, and thank you very much for all you do. You’ve said that the next decline is going to be far worse than the last one.  Intensity and volatility is building.  By that statement, do you mean both the US economy and the US stock markets may […]

Predicting the Future – Not So Hard

QUESTION: Hi Mr. Armstrong, I just read your 1997 Edinburgh transcript which you posted. It sounds like you could have written it today, which brings me to my question. It seems that we have drifted through the last 17 years dealing with the same corrupt systems and find ourselves in the same position, so why do […]

Edinburgh Seminar April 29, 1997 Transcript

  Princeton Economics International, Ltd. Edinburgh Transcript April 29, 1997     I would like to begin today with a brief overview as to how we at Princeton look at markets. For those of you who attended last year’s conference I will try to be as brief as possible.   Effectively, our models are based […]

Florida Raising Property Taxes

COMMENT: Hi Martin, Our local city has just voted unanimously to raise the property tax rate 17.7%. They’re not alone, as many local municipalities in Florida have raised rates. 37 of 39 cities in a four county area have raised rates at least once since the 2007 downturn, according to newspaper reports, one has gone […]

Crude Oil Collapses – Plot Against Russia or Economics?

The global demand for oil is declining as the United States moves toward self-sufficiency and is the only nation still in a positive economic trend. Everywhere else we see the global economy turning down since 2007 including China and Russia no less Europe. But the level of pessimism in the USA does not imply a […]

California Drought – Maybe a Real Crisis in the Making

QUESTION: Marty, I remember you had forecast that we would go into another major drought in the West after 2000. I think that was in a special report on agriculture. Your forecast seems to be spot on there as well. Do you have any updates? Thanks A California reader for life. BK ANSWER: Yes, that […]

Scotland – YES or NO – It is just Economics

QUESTION: Marty Somebody has just bet $1.3million on a ‘NO’ vote result in the upcoming Scottish Independence Referendum – was that you? J Seriously, is the computer predicting a ‘YES’ on this issue (I have seen on the blog that the timing would be perfect, cycle-wise) and do you believe the hype about a 10% drop […]

Should the US Give Up The Dollar as a Reserve Currency?

For the first time the position of the dollar as world reserve currency in the United States has come under criticism by Obama’s former chief economist, Jared Bernstein (2009-2011). Bernstein argues that the accumulation of dollar reserves abroad make the US currency too strong. This destroys jobs in the United States and weakens the economy. Retaining […]

Scottish Vote Scares London

We have been warning that the Scottish separation was something to take seriously since the Berlin Conference in 2012. Now suddenly the polls are showing Scotland just may vote YES and leave the UK because of the rising chaos in the EU and the totally insane policies in France. The British financial markets tumbled on […]