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Austrian Economics v Keynesian Economics

QUESTION: 2014 should not have happened, but it did. There’s no way to sugarcoat it: the gold bugs were wrong, Austrian economics was wrong, and the Keynesians were right. And now the sound money community is left trying to figure out what it missed and, crucially, whether the problem was merely one of timing or of […]

A$ for the Close of 2014

  The A$ also shows a decline against the greenback, although not as pronounced as that of the Euro. The key turning points here will be 2016 and 2018, where we should see aggressive volatility. The key resistance will stand at the 14260 level. Resistance forms initially at the 13525 level and support will be […]

C$ for Year-End 2014

  A closing today for the C$ above the 10660 level will keep this currency weak against the US$. Resistance stands at the 11860 followed by 12102 with support at 11570 level. The Yearly Bullish Reversal stands up at 12426. Everything appears to be on track for a serious US dollar rally no matter what […]

The Swiss for Year-End 2014

The dollar has been rising against the Swiss thanks to its peg to the Euro. Of course the Swiss would love to have a lower currency for that will help their exports. The Swiss is currently trading at 9934 and a merely year-end closing above 9785 will signal that indeed the 2011 low for the […]

Wine Industry Confirms Same Trend in Energy

One industry which reflects the same trend that we see in crude oil, the massive deflationary vortex of economic decline, is none other than the wine industry. The wine industry is also suffering from a major glut and here too wine producing real estate has peaked in France back in 2007 and is not scheduled […]

End of the German Dream?

The crisis in Germany is brewing at a rapid speed. There is no country that has suffered the pains of Russian sanctions in the West more than Germany because the Russian market has compensated Germany in the past years, covering up many problems of the German economy from the euro crisis. As the economy has turned […]

Gold For Closing 2014

  Well despite all the hate mail, accusations, threats, and bad-mouthing not to mention the silent-treatment, gold continues to reflect the real deflationary trend that has engulfed the entire world. The metals promoters keep trying to ignore reality causing many to lose their life-savings. They remain ignorant of the fact that the dollar has become […]

Derivatives Market $280 Trillion – Is It Really A Time Bomb?

About 82 percent of the derivatives market in the United States relates to the interest rate derivatives. This reflect the real Debt Bubble that is brewing. Why did the banks need to repeal Dodd-Frank and the Volcker Rule to get taxpayer backing for their losses again? One need not look beyond the oil derivatives. The bank […]


QUESTION: Hello Martin, Been a long time follower, met you finally  in Phlly(I was the big white haired guy in the hallway at he end of the conference), which was wonderful by the way. As we approach the Big Bang, I am tryig to be as liguiid as possible to follow the Capital Flows, so […]

Coming Emerging Market Debt Meltdown

It seems the one primary area that people disagree with the view of the future is the rise in the dollar that is on the horizon. I have warned that in discussions behind the curtain, there will be a move to replace the dollar as the reserve currency. I have also stated that the only […]