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Hungary – Abolishing Democracy

The Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban believe it or job is actually being more honest that his EU counterparts. He has proposed outright to end the free democracy in Hungary. At a seminar in Romanian Transylvania, Orban has announced he wants to construct “an illiberal state on a national basis”. He argues that the financial crisis has shown “that […]

Roman Coinage Mint Marks

Roman Mintmarks By Mint Mint Dates of Operation Mintmarks Alexandria, Egypt 294 – 421 and 457 – 474 A.D. AL, ALE, ALEX, SMAL (Notes: Issued currency for the province before becoming a regular imperial mint. Reopened by the Byzantines 525 -646 A.D.) Ambianum (Amiens, France) 350 – 353 A.D. AMB, AMBI Antioch/Antiochia (Antakiyah, Syria) 217 […]

Capital Has Always Invested on Net Return for Millennia

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I think the light just went on. You said that capital invests on a net return basis. This makes sense. If I can make €100 on €100 per year who would not invest. If they tax those gains 80 per cent as Piketty argues, then I have only  €20. If I invest in […]

Brain-Dead Foreign Policy – Destabilizing the Middle East – Feeding the War Cycle

The War Cycle is doing what it was intended to do. I have warned that this is going to be much worse that the previous cycles building in intensity and broadening to a global perspective. It appears that the economic decline and abuse of government has led to massive tension and this will be manifest […]

Islamic Militant Take Tikirt

In Turkey,  the government has called for an emergency meeting of NATO to discuss the security crisis that is brewing in Iraq. Islamic militants took 80 Turkish citizens hostage during an advance overrunning the city of Tikrit. They have shut down Iraq’s biggest oil refinery. The result of the US invasion of Iraq may have […]

The Destruction of the World Economy

The Senate subcommittee has been examining tax avoidance by multinational companies. Microsoft Corp. (MSFT), Hewlett-Packard Co. and Apple Inc. have all been the subjects of previous hearings by the panel. The 2013 investigation into Apple uncovered a subsidiary that earned $30 billion over four years with no home for tax purposes. The subcommittee also has investigated […]

The Rise Against Corruption Is Also Inside USA

  COMMENT: They should title it ….”protesters protest corruption” Of course these small time medias are in the pockets of someone else. REPLY: Sometimes the small media just publishes events because it is news and they do not think about what is behind it. The major networks clean everything. There use to be the Fairness Doctrine, which […]

Ukraine – The US & Russia Propaganda

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong; Thank you so much for defending the people of Ukraine against those who claim we are just manipulated by the CIA. These people have no understanding of what we have gone through and for what so many have died for. You have been truly an inspiration to our desire to be free. […]

Civil Unrest in Europe for May 1st

Labor unions will commemorate May Day (International Workers Day) throughout Europe, on May 1st. While these events are generally peaceful, we are entering 2014 and at a minimum low-level violence is expected beginning late April 30. Attacks on police and acts of vandalism, by certain groups, are a May Day tradition in many European cities. […]

How Your Cell Phone Threatens Your LIBERTY

Technology played a key role in the Arab Spring as it has in Ukraine. The propaganda that the Ukrainian Revolution was inspired by a CIA plot covered up the fact that it was truly a grass-roots uprising against corruption diminishing the real issue these people were fighting for. They confuse the effort of the USA […]