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Contemporary Sources

(from the collection of Martin Armstrong) QUESTION: A friend of mine has one of your original Greatest Bull Market in History books. I noticed that you quote your direct sources from newspapers and magazines rather than other people histories. Did you find the newspaper a better source of truth? HY ANSWER: Absolutely. I have collected […]

Cryptocurrency & Dancing with the Devil

COMMENT: Hi Martin, I really love your work. You are the only one financial guy I follow. Your power is obviously your prediction computer program Socrates which I use every day. I understand that your other posts are just your opinions and I would like to point out some of the flawed arguments you make about […]

Germany’s Hunt for Taxes Being Illegally Applied to the Past

  The Hunt for Taxes has now led to criminal charges for manipulating stock ownership to avoid the tax on dividends. There German Attorney General has filed criminal charges against a number of traders for the first time in what is called Cum-Ex transactions. The name seems a bit strange but it involves shifting the […]

Why Do Presidents Need Memorial Libraries to Celebrate Accomplishing Nothing?

A lawsuit has been filed to stop Chicago from taking a park to build the Obama Center as if every president warrant such a thing when all he did is miss 65% of his security briefing to play golf. It is such a joke that every president get to build a huge center to celebrate […]

Understanding TIME is the Key to How the World Works

COMMENT: I fully agree with the comment on the different time levels. I encountered a critic who said you were wrong on the euro. When I said I made money using your model and followed the buy signals he looked at me as if I was lying. They judge you like everyone else in this one-dimensional way. They […]

The Hong Kong Peg under Attack

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; The Hong Peg is under fierce attack. You said at the Hong Kong WEC that the peg would break but not before 2018. Are we getting close? See you in Singapore PB ANSWER: Yes. They are spending almost $2.5 billion per week to defend the currency. No peg will stand. This is […]

Understanding the Fractal Nature of TIME

COMMENT: I attended your 2015 WEC where you laid out the future for the euro. I was skeptical, to say the least. All these people constantly focus on the dollar. Then your model gave buy signals on the euro and you said it would then rally into 2018 and that could form the slingshot down. […]

Seattle Tax For Homeless or Just for Government?

The outrageous tax of $275 per employee for companies that do more than $20 million in business annually by the city of Seatle for the claimed housing of homeless people is really over the top. It’s not just Amazon, there are a number of businesses being hit. Cities are becoming the place to avoid. This is […]

Did Obama Use the FBI the Same as Nixon Used His Own People to Spy on Opposition?

  While Robert Mueller was not in charge of the FBI after 2013, the new revelations that the FBI was spying on members in the Trump Campaign are very alarming. This is revealing just how deep the FBI has been trying to overthrow Trump. The integrity of the entire Justice Department is really called into […]

How Linear Thinking that has blinded most People

COMMENT: I think I now see the light. It has been my linear thinking that has blinded me. Gold rallied and failed as was the case with the euro, British pound and so on. Putting them all together is why who said that the euro would rally because they all were indicating a pause in the […]