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Capital Flow Data 2006-2012

Princeton Economics International Capital Flow Data Net Capital Flows Annual Expressed in $US Dollars 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Aruba $331,670,769.81 $276,743,114.59 $161,301,859.11 $216,458,806.70 -$428,744,280.39 -$242,806,848.70 $125,104,292.05 Andorra $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Afghanistan $0.00 $0.00 -$1,283,780,531.72 -$1,373,137,603.29 -$2,212,249,018.97 -$3,264,196,637.96 -$6,733,945,750.11 Angola $10,691,258,935.61 $10,588,425,486.00 $7,207,143,557.57 -$7,560,331,524.00 $7,506,888,161.63 $13,089,997,612.32 $13,851,978,521.84 Albania -$491,106,639.29 […]

Money is only a Medium of Exchange & Wealth = Productivity

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong: You said, “The difference between gold and other investments such as real estate and stocks lies in its MOVABILITY.” No.  The most significant difference is that gold is a better choice for money than other investments. JC REPLY: Gold is not money – sorry! Money began as cattle and then bronze and gold […]

The Age of Civil Unrest

All governments had better open their eyes for we are on the brink of a major convergence between both the Cycle of Civil Unrest, Civil War & Revolution and International War. Both of these models converge and as I pointed out at the Cycles of War Conference, this is the first time we have seen […]

Global Civil Unrest Continuing to Brew

In Turkey, they saw their worst day of civil unrest turning extremely violent. The protests continue in Venezuela for over a month now. In Spain, there seems to be perpetual protesting in Madrid’s Puerta del Sol Square including anti-government to the elderly protesting the freeze in pensions. In Libya, parliament overthrew its prime minister. On Jan 12, […]

Monetary History of Ukraine

About 1500 BC nomadic tribes appeared on the territory of Ukraine. One of them was the Cimmerians (9th-8th–century BC), which are mentioned in written sources. Scythians, Iranian-speaking people from Central Asia, in the 7th century BC pushed the Cimmerians from the Ukrainian steppes. Around the same period, the Greeks began to establish the first colonies […]

Ukraine – Not Over Yet

  The propaganda never stops from both sides and to get at the truth just reading the press is next to impossible. The Russians keep touting this was a US plot, and the US keeps trying to wiggle into the situation but the GRASS-ROOTS people do not leave for they are pissed-off at government in […]

The Rising Global Unrest – Collapse in Marxism & Republics

  For months now, protesters have been gathering in many capital cities of developing nations such as Turkey, Ukraine, Thailand, Venezuela, Malaysia, and Cambodia, among others. These demonstrations are part of the rise in tension that our model warns will spread. This is the collapse of “socialism” as I put it for there is a […]

Ukraine – the Bottom Line

If we removed all of the political rhetoric from both sides and reduce Ukraine to the fundamental issues, we will see the common economic denominator is emerging in Turkey, Southern Europe, and over in Asia. There is no conflict between Russia and the United States in all of these places. Those who like to point […]

Ukraine – From the Otherside’s View

COMMENT:  Sorry, Mr. Armstrong, what you wrote about Ukraine is not the Truth at all, it’s just YOUR truth , and/or that of your contributors. Living in Europe, we know very well EU is totally against the people : many people here think this (we are less and less influenced by the lined up media, […]

The Emerging Market Crisis

The fourth quarter real estate in Singapore turned down showing that the whole Emerging Markets did tend to peak out with the ECM last August. This has led to a flight of investors from the once-booming emerging markets sector that is similar to the shift in what we began to see in 1994 that manifested […]