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The Shift of the Financial Capital of the World to China

By 2032, China will dethrone the United States to become the world's leading economic powerhouse. This cycle has been exasperated by government mismanagement and failed economic policies centered in socialism. With special attention to the Chinese yuan and Shanghai composite, this report examines how, when, and why China will become the new financial capital of the world.

As long as Cryptocurrencies remain Assets – Then they will Survive a Monetary Crisis.

  QUESTION: You originally said back at the 2015 WEC the first window for the monetary crisis and the collapse of the Euro could arrive by 2018 and then the cycle was extended into 2021 when the Euro finally elected a weekly bullish. So it appears correct that 2018 is the start as the Euro never […]

Have Cryptocurrencies Become a Religion?

  QUESTION: I had a discussion with a former goldbug who is now a crypto-bug. He can’t see that governments will not stand idle waiting to be simply put out of business with cryptocurrencies. No matter what you say, I think it has become a religion. There is not one major company who has adopted blockchain […]

Can Cryptocurrencies Survive?

QUESTION: Do you think Bitcoin can survive? Or has it been a passing fad? MT ANSWER: Bitcoin rose because 70% of the miners were in China. It was NOT simply because energy was cheap. Bitcoin became the LEADING means of money laundering and movement of cash out of China, circumventing their rule of law and […]

Texas Shooter & Gun Control

QUESTION: You do not think that control will stop these school shootings? JF ANSWER: No way. If you do look on Wikipedia, you will see that we are approaching 500 incidents where a gun has been discharged in a school. This has been going on since the 18th century, Imposing metal examines and a note […]

Draghi Calls for Consolidation of Debts?

COMMENT: You were here in Brussels a few weeks ago. Suddenly, the ECB is talking about the need to merge the debts to prevent a crisis. So your lobbying here seems to work. RGV, Brussels REPLY: I do not lobby. It is rather common knowledge I have made those proposals since the EU commission attended […]

Hawaii Volcano – Right of Schedule?

(Download USGS Report on Hawaii) COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong; I think you have proven time and again that there is a cyclical nature to everything. You said in the report you did on volcanos last year that 2018 would be the beginning of serious eruptions. Well, I live here on the main island in Hawaii. This is […]

EU Migration Chief Say Europe Will Continue to Take Refugees “For Decades to Come”

The EU migration chief, Dimitris Avramopoulos, has demonstrated that politicians are just so out of touch with reality they are securing their own demise. Avramopoulos has made a speech that Europe is set to absorb massive waves of migration “for the decades to come” and that the EU will “never become a fortress” building walls to keep people […]

The Money Supply Always Increases in Time of War

QUESTION: Your chart on the Roman money supply shows a huge spike going into 87BC.  Was that just because of the Social War? GS ANSWER: No. During the autumn of 88 BC, there was a massacre of more than 80,000 unsuspecting Roman civilians which took place in Anatolia (western Turkey). The victims were Roman and Italian merchants, […]

Girls in Europe have 1000:1 Greater Likelihood Of Being Raped by a Refugee than Killed by a Terrorist

It really is stunning how politicians in Europe are so disconnected with the people. The press bashes those in Britain who are against “refugee” immigration from the Middle East as RACISTS, despite the fact that they are of all races and Islam is not a race, it is a religion. It is amazing how they throw that […]