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Platinum at 10-Year Lows

QUESTION: Marty, Socrates has done a fantastic job on platinum. It is just so refreshing to have an analysis that is not biased and always saying buy. It looks like platinum is just a precursor to gold. There is an oversupply and with South Africa in turmoil politically on top of its currency in the […]

Market Talk- August 23, 2018

With core China and the Hang Seng indices trading near their 52week lows, this is the direct opposite to core US indices that are making historic highs! Todays price action almost seemed typical of what we have seen over this past year. US markets are treading water at their highs, whilst Shanghai, Hang Seng, STI […]

Market Talk- August 22. 2018

Record highs achieved in the US session and so expectedly the Asia markets responded. The Nikkei was the leader, but interestingly not from the open! It took a while for sentiment to build, but the weakness of the Yen probably helped massage prices to close up +0.64%. The talk for this and the rest of […]

TRUTH is so precious that she should Always be attended by a Bodyguard of Lies

QUESTION: Do you support the unilateral withdrawal of the US from the Iran deal? ANSWER: Iran has no intention of actually conforming with that agreement. But that is really a side issue. There is a significant displeasure with the religious government in Iran among its own people. No nation is ever 100% left or right. There […]

Market Talk- August 20, 2018

  Japan was the outlier today after the majority produced a positive return. After an initial surge the Nikkei fell back into negative territory where it spent the rest of the day. Exporters, energy, base metals and banks fell victim to todays weakness and probably not helped by the Yen’s strength. In late US trading […]

The British Pound & The Conservative Split

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, It seems that the conservatives have split into two parties here. It is the same nonsense that they pulled to overthrow Margaret Thatcher. I really do not understand why they think we have to be part of the EU which is so obviously a sinking ship. As we always said here, when […]

Market Talk- August 15, 2018

Well, that bounce was short-lived! China led Asia lower today even as Turkey was recovering. Core Shanghai has found it difficult even with good news. The debt overhang and the sudden decline in allocated cash continue to have a negative effect on the Shanghai, which closed down over 2% today. The Yuan is suffering as […]

This is No Joke – Monetary Reform Will Be Forced Upon the World

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I really understand why the government wanted your model so bad. You have been the only one to correctly forecast the entire world. The emerging markets are cracking and the euro is falling apart. What is next in your timetable? ANSWER: We have been warning that the first to crack would be […]

Why is Asia Rising Against the West

Some people have written in and asked why we have issued a report that shows how and when China will displace the USA and the West as the Financial Capital of the world. Let me explain some interesting facts. If we look at the top ten cities for tourism, you will find that the half […]

Market Talk- August 14, 2018

It was good to see a healthy 2.28% bounce in the Nikkei today, especially after yesterdays 2% decline. Unfortunately, some of this was at the expense of the currency as the Yen lost 0.5% back to a 111 handle. The currency drop helped exporters recover some of yesterdays losses, but there is still plenty of […]