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Cycles of War – Guardian Asks is it Repeating?

Indeed, World War I does not erupt solely by the assassination of the Archduke of Austria. Resentment builds and you have to look for the subtle signs. In the case of World War I, it really began with old resentment dealing with the Christian;Muslim confrontation with the old Ottoman Empire. Even that goes back to […]

Trading Seminar March 23rd – Answering your Questions

This Special Trading Seminar is geared to enable you to Survive Your Own Trading Decisions and this is not merely a marketing phrase to sell a seminar. This is not a day trading seminar. This is about really how to trade, understand the global economy, and how to see the world so you can invest […]

Financial Panic of 33AD

  Tiberius (14-37AD) Silver Denarius – the Tribute Penny The Financial Panic of 33AD provides one of the few detailed accounts of events recorded by the ancient historian Tacitus (56–117AD) whose primary focus appears to be moneylending. Of course, Tacitus did not personally experience the event of being born well after that event. Tiberius (14-37AD) […]

Panic of 1896

  The Panic of 1896 is perhaps best known for the fiery speech of William Jennings Bryan (1860-1925) who was the Silver Democrat’s Presidential candidate that year. The major thrust down took place during the Panic of 1893. However, by 1896, the economic conditions had not improved very much. There was still a dramatic and […]

Iran Nuclear Deal or Calm Before the Storm?

I previously warned that the Syrian issue being propelled by Saudi Arabia all over getting their pipeline through Syria to Turkey for Europe, was placing at risk a real game-changer in negotiations with Iran. In the June elections, there was a major shift that moved the political wind in Tehran. President Hassan Rouhani won the election in […]

Deflation – The Great Equalizer – Now Greece? Was There a Different TESTED Response in History? YES!

Deflation remains a mystery for many because they just cannot grasp the fact that money supply can increase while prices decline. Their heads begin to spin around and they spit out green pea soup because it is not supposed to happen in their mind. During deflationary trends, money supply can still increase but the contraction […]

Putin pens NYT op-ed urging ‘caution’ in Syria – Very Informative

Of course the American commentators are hurling nothing but insults at Putin for his Op-Ed in the New York Times. They dare to say with chemical weapons being used in Syria, he has no moral standing. Putin rightly points out that there is a serious casualty here and that will be the United Nations. “No […]

Putin Forms Alliance Against US use of Force in Syria

  Russian President Vladimir Putin is finding the anti-American sentiment rising among the G20. Obama has done far more to destroy the image of the United States than perhaps any president post-Great Depression. The countries of China, India, Indonesia, Brazil, South Africa and Italy are now lining up against a military intervention in Syria by the […]

Behind-the-Curtain – Why Syria Must Go – It is Gas this Time

Way too much evidence is showing that it was the Saudis who have supplied the rebels with chemical weapons not Assad. So why are the Saudis intent upon getting rid of Assad? The Saudis are planning together with Qatar a pipeline, which will run from the Gulf to Turkey. This will result in the Russian Gazprom having […]

Obama Under Pressure on His Syria Nonsense

Obama is not finding it as easy to start a war as Dick Cheney via his patsy George Bush, Jr. Three letters were delivered from Congress to Obama. They informed him that he should not go to war with Syria before Congress returns. Obama tried to skirt that issue of not consulting Congress by just […]