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The Complexity & Fractal Nature of Nature

They have recently confirmed that not merely are the Milankovitch Cycles correct, but there is a fractal nature to everything as well as a cycle that sits on top of everything so far. They have determined that there is an approximate 405,000-year cycle in the shape of the Earth’s orbit that shifts from almost perfectly circular to […]

Illinois to Impose 1% Property Tax on Top of Everything Annually for 30 Years

  In Illinois is a State that should just commit suicide and be emerged into surrounding states. It is following the EXACT pattern as the fall of the city of Rome itself. Constantine the Great moved the Roman capital from Rome to Constantinople around 330AD. Rome lost its status as corruption and taxes rose. More and […]

Can We Just Use Cryptocurrencies, stop Bank Lending & end Central Banks & Survive?

QUESTION: Socrates did an amazing job. It called the high in BitCoin right to the day. That makes me wonder. After thinking quietly about the claim that cryptocurrencies will replace everything as a new world monetary system because it will not be centralized and created by a central bank, this seems to be complete BS if […]

Malaysian Election Demonstrates the Wave of Political Change of Trump, BREXIT, Italy, Spain, etc is still in motion

COMMENT #1: You were right. You said there would be a political change here in Malaysia in 2018 at your Bangkok conference. How do you do this? I am coming to Singapore. COMMENT#2: Wind of change has swept through Malaysia on May 9th as incumbent Barisan Nasional (BN) coalition 61-year rule since 1957 Independence was ended […]

How the Rich Get Richer!

COMMENT: You always support the rich and never see what they do to the rest of us. LW ANSWER: You simply believe the propaganda of governments. The rich get richer by INVESTING in assets. They list Bill Gates among the top in the world. Do you really think one gets rich by making more per […]

Daniel’s Interpretation of Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream

QUESTION: You have previously said that the Persian monetary system was based on gold, the Greeks used silver and the Romans began with bronze. That actually described the Biblical story of the dream of Nebuchadnezzar’s Statue interpreted by Daniel. Do you think your research into the world Monetary System confirms that interpretation? WK ANSWER: I […]

The Rule of Law & Who Was a True Inspiration

  QUESTION: I am studying to become a lawyer. I find your legal writings fascinating. You provide a far deeper understanding of the rule of law than I am taught in school. I suppose that is becoming obvious in economics as well. Can you recommend any legal writing that may have influenced you greatly? OH ANSWER: […]

Bondholder Suing Spain for the Bail-In of Banco Popular

  It was only a question of when, but now those investors who lost 100% of their money in Banco Popular in Spain are filing a lawsuit demanding answers in a court filing in New York seeking information from the purchaser of the stricken bank – Banco Santander who paid just €1 to take over troubled […]

Prostitute Tokens of Rome & Regulation

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I read about the prostitute tokens of Rome after another one was found here in London. They say they are not sure why they exist. Some said it was to mock Tiberius. That does not seem plausible all the way up here in Britain. Can you elaborate on their origin? Was it […]

What Really Causes Inflation & Deflation?

QUESTION: why national debts eventually default Martin to answer this question you said: we need to introduce currency. France and Germany were less impacted by converting to the Euro than Greece, Italy, Spain, and Portugal. Why? Currency Inflation! My question is if it is not the quantity of money that is making $1 million buy […]