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Florida & New Record in COVID Tests?

The Coronavirus nonsense is just unbelievable. Reuters is reporting that Florida is off the charts with 15,000 new cases in a day. Florida reported a record amount of testing, with just about 143,000 results compared with an average of 68,000 for the prior seven days. Of that, they claim that 15,000 people tested positive and […]

The Key How to Create a Bloodless Revolution

I have previously explained that I was advising some people in Ukraine on how to turn their revolution into a success. I had explained that the turning point requires convincing the army/police to turn against the government because they inevitably get drunk with their own power and PRESUME that they are the true creator of […]

The Manual for Tyrants to Take Over

QUESTION: Hello Martin When will the madness stop! I am Scottish and our first minister is mandating face masks in all shops from July 10th. Even though the virus peaked in April. Interesting that her advisor is an American professor at Edinburgh University who also co-authored a book with Chelsea Clinton. She (first minister) is […]

Understand What is at Foot

COMMENT: Martin: I have been an avid follower for many years. My first expose to your writings must have been when you were ‘detained’ as the reports were hand-typed. Anyway, I just read your expose on the Great Reset and you have nailed it once again. I totally agree with your conclusions. Where there is […]

Eugenics is now Climate Change but Still Racist

COMMENT: Good morning, I remember reading back in the day that global warming was the greatest threat to the world. I also saw old articles where before that it was global cooling. Since they couldn’t seem to get it straight and global warming had started to get a bad name among some scientists and some […]

Market Talk – June 19, 2020

ASIA: Donald Trump has renewed his threat to cut ties with China, a day after his diplomats held high-level talks with Beijing and his top US trade negotiator said severing the trade relationship was not a viable option. The US response came as Washington questioned China’s credibility on accurately reporting the new Covid-19 cluster in […]

Will the Fed Cap Rates?

QUESTION: Do you think the Fed will venture into capping the long-term rates as they did during World War II? JH ANSWER:  There is much talk that the Fed will go into yield-curve control in the near future. Some expect that if the Fed does employ yield-curve controls, they expect that yields would be capped […]

German Companies Plan to Reduce Investments

According to a recent survey conducted by the Institute for Economic Research (Ifo), German companies plan to reduce investments by 50% this year due to the lingering effects of the coronavirus. In fact, 28% of companies reportedly already canceled investments. The manufacturing sector, the heart of the German economy and therefore the entire Eurozone, purportedly […]

Refusing to Wear Masks in the South

  Journalists have not gotten the message — they are now viewed even below police as a trusted ethical profession in society. They spend all their time trying to scare people and disregard the economic havoc they have caused, no less the massive job loss and futures they have destroyed. About 30% of mortgages are […]

German Study of Scientists Against Coronavirus Hidden from the Public

German leaked of a document confirming that this entire Coronavirus scare is nonsense has surfaced. The government lied to the public and claimed it was just the opinion of one employee. The German press, like the rest of the lot, attacked the report for they love the scare tactics of the virus to try to […]