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Emerging Market Debt Expanding Twice the Rate of 2016

The view that BREXIT is a creating uncertainty in Europe with the swell of populism, the demand for dollar denominated debt has been strong over the past year. This has led to more debt being racked up at a faster pace than ever in US dollars among emerging markets, which stood at about 50% of […]

Market Talk- May 8th, 2017

With Japan returning to the market place after the three day Golden Week holidays and the seeming calming settlement for Europe after the Macron win in France the Nikkei returned +2.3% in todays trading. Early Asian trading saw the Euro move into the 110 handle but could not hold gains even for the Asian close. All the talk […]

Why Central Banks & Buying Equities

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Why is the Swiss Central Bank buying American equities? On the one hand you would think it is manipulation, but on the other, why manipulate the US share market? Any clue since you have met with them directly? LW ANSWER: I wrote about that explaining that the central banks have been buying […]

Market Talk- May 5th, 2017

The continued decline in Metals, Energy and Commodities hit nerves and confidence today in Asian trading with Japan just finishing Golden Week (today was Children’s Day). Money has been leaving Asian markets all week but given their close ahead of the US NFP’s and French elections it is not really surprising. Oil traded down to […]

Market Talk- May 4th, 2017

“The mood seemed anxious” – this was one comment we heard today as prices drifted in Asian light volume. The FED had already put a hawkish tone into the markets following their meeting but then commodity prices aren’t really helping matters either. The ASX has felt the weight of BHP and Rio price action recently […]

Market Talk- May 3rd, 2017

Another mixed session for Asia but with so much on the horizon it really should not be such a surprise. The Nikkei is closed and remains so for the balance of the week, Hong Kong and S. Korea are also closed for holidays. The Yen continued to play in the 112’s drifting to the 112.50 […]

Federal Reserve & Elastic Money & NY Clearing House Certificates

QUESTION: Why do you support the fed in what you call elastic money and not a gold standard? ANSWER: As usual, you listen to the nonsense about how the Fed is owned by the banks and is responsible for probably everything evil from creating wars to probably killing JFK. The entire use of “elastic money” […]

Market Talk- April 27th, 2017

Two central banks were in play today, but neither moved on rates which was very much expected by the markets. The BOJ did however raise its economic forecast although that did not help support the Nikkei which closed small down at 19,250. The psychological barrier remains the 20k level but as it’s the end of […]

Italy to Raise Taxes to Satisfy Brussels – Why the Euro Will Fail

  The European Union (EU) has been pushing Italy for a very long time to reduce its deficit. Of course, governments are never capable of reducing their own expenditure. This results going in only one direction – raising taxes. Prime Minister Paolo Gentiloni had to agree on the concrete measures. The bill is now being discussed […]

Market Talk- April 25, 2017

Monday’s Asian trading needed to see Europe’s and the US reaction before getting too carried away and that is probably what we saw today. With all core indices seen making strong progress we saw another good day for the Nikkei (+1.1%), a healthy 1.3% return for the Hang Seng and KOSPI while the Shanghai and […]