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Precious Metals were Worth Less than the Coinage

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I do not understand your statement that even when coins were silver and gold, they were still a form of fiat money. Could you explain that please? BB ANSWER: The evidence that supports that statement is abundant. We find coins of the immediate financial capital be it Greece or Rome, were IMITATED […]

Market Talk- August 13, 2018

Asia suffered from the Friday hangover with most core indices falling over -1.5%. All eyes and ears continued to focus on Turkey again today and especially seeing the Lira opened with a 7 handle. It has been scrambling to recover opening losses and did manage a 6.45 print early European trading, but has been struggling […]

The Shortage of US Dollars

What people have to understand is that the Federal Reserve is moving in the opposite direction with respect to its monetary base. The Adjusted Monetary Base is the sum of currency (including coin) in circulation outside Federal Reserve Banks and the U.S. Treasury, plus deposits held by depository institutions at Federal Reserve Banks. These data are […]

Market Talk- August 10, 2018

Although Asian stocks traded heavy given ongoing uncertainty surrounding US/China trade talks, it was Japan that appeared to take centre stage. The Yen continues to find a safe-haven bid even as the Nikkei lost 1.35%. Money is being taken off the table as concerns grew and economic activity begins to be questioned. The A$ is […]

Russia & Its Development

  COMMENT: Dear Mr. Armstrong, With all respect to you and enlightenment you share with us, I would like to share some with you on Russ tribe, its origin, and its connection to Ukraine vs Russia. This topic is essential for it explains the legacy of Russ tribe and who can have a claim about it. […]

Market Talk- August 9, 2018

The strategic war of words continues between the US and China and with it, the ebb and flow of the Chinese stock markets. Given that the US has weathered all of these headlines, it is doubtful it will start now. There is talk that the domestic indices are receiving a helping hand, but then with […]

Electric Cars or Else – Says Brussels by 2020

From 2020, European carmakers MUST  comply with stricter EU regulations. On average, only 95 grams of CO2 emissions per kilometer drove are permitted per car produced. If the output is higher than that, there will be drastic fines due. The leader seems to be BMW. I bought an I8 myself which is a hybrid so […]

IMF Criticizes Germany for its Chronic Trade Surplus?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I know you say you do not advise the IMF. But whatever you write, they follow and repeat. So they are following your blog at least and they implement whatever you say. This is very curious. They are now saying that Germany’s export model economy is threatening the world economy. You were […]

Market Talk- August 8, 2018

The news mid afternoon that President Trump’s trade restrictions could be increased and a retaliatory Chinese tariff increase all coupled with latest China/US trade numbers turned most core indices. Following yesterdays strong Shanghai performance we saw some retracement of Tuesdays gains with the index closing down 1.25%. Although the Hang Seng index was also hit […]

ECM & the Cycle Inversion?

The Economic Confidence Model (ECM) is a global business cycle. The entire world economy NEVER peaks and bottoms together. This latest turning point of July 12th, 2018 (2018.529) has apparently provided a MAJOR warning that we just could be moving into a major Cycle Inversion from the perspective of the United States. What does that […]