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Most British Now Just Want to Leave with NO DEAL – Get out while they can the polls show

Perhaps there is some new plague that only affects politicians on a global scale. It seems no matter what country we look at, it is simply going completely insane politically. Americans rarely understand Parliamentary politics in London for it is not unusual for Trump to meet with the Democrats, Chuck and Nancy, in the White […]

Market Talk – April 4, 2019

Asia: MIT university announced today that they have terminated funding and research links with China’s Huawei and ZTE. The decisions comes amid ongoing tensions between the telecommunications company as well as China and the U.S. as a whole. On a more optimistic note, numerous news sources have claimed that America’s trade war with China is […]

Market Talk – April 3, 2019

Asia: The U.S. and China are reportedly growing closer to a final trade agreement. The news caused the Shanghai composite to move up 1.24%. A White House economic advisor stated that the negotiators are “making good headway,” however, this deal was due to have been wrapped up by now. There is uncertainty whether a deal can […]

Federal Judge Orders the Torture of Chelsea Manning – U.S. Violates Human Rights

  One of the most ruthless and unconstitutional powers federal judges have is to throw people into contempt until they break. The press NEVER reports the truth about the US legal system; they ALWAYS defend the government no matter what. They love to throw you into solitary confinement where the vast majority of prisoners commit […]

The Hunt for Taxes Altering the Economy

We are beginning to witness the impact of state taxes on decision making. California’s high taxes led to the San Francisco Giants losing Bryce Harper to the Philadelphia Phillies. The 26-year-old professional baseball star agreed to a 13-year, $330 million deal with the Philadelphia Phillies because the bottom line net of what California would take was insane. I know […]

Market Talk – March 29, 2019

Asia: Today marked the second and final day in this round of U.S. – China trade negotiations in Beijing. According to RT News, “The US just ‘invaded’ an island in the East China Sea & no one noticed.” This island belongs to the Japanese, Okinawa archipelago, and was taken over and used as a military […]

Market Talk – March 28, 2019

Asia: U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin and U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer began a new round of discussions in Beijing today, and reports are that the two sides have made early progress in the current round of negotiations – including perhaps forced technology transfers. The recent issue regarding the Chinese company Huawei seems to be […]

Market Talk – March 27, 2019

Asia: China Beige Book, the only large-scale independent data provider on the Chinese economy, released a report this Wednesday indicating a first-quarter recovery. After polling 3300 Chinese businesses, the firm found that private borrowing outweighed that of state-owned enterprises. However, the cost of borrowing has risen substantially. Bank loan rates currently average 6.9%, while the […]

Mueller’s Report Confirms there was No Russian Hack to Begin With

Mueller’s Report is what was expected. The entire proposed Russian hack was really simply gained by a fake email saying reset your password known as a phishing email. The report does conclude that the Trump campaign did not conspire with Russia during the 2016 election, according to the letter from Barr to Congress. It notes that Mueller’s investigation found the […]

Market Talk – March 22, 2019

Asia: The China-France bilateral agreement reached all-time highs. French exports such as luxury goods, agricultural, and pharmaceutical products experienced a huge growth over the past few years. Elsewhere, more reports were released today regarding China’s religious persecution of Muslims and Christians. Japanese inflation slowed in February as can be seen in falling gasoline prices. The […]