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Israeli & Hamas

The War Cycle has been amazingly spot on. Even those who were skeptics are sending in emails asking what is going to happen now. War is brewing both civilly and internationally and in every area around the globe. The Middle East is brewing as well with the FAA imposing a 24-hour ban on US flights […]

Turning Point Coming Up

The interplay of the War Cycle and the ECM is really getting interesting. We can see some wild swings ahead. This volatility will start next week and gradually build up into what appears to be a major focal point come November. The technical Breakout Channel on the Daily Chart is warning that breaking beneath that […]

Snowden & Dropbox

Edward Snowden’s war against the usurpation of all privacy continues. In an interview by the Guardian on the subject of file storage, he warns the Dropbox, the cloud storage firm with over 200 million users, is “hostile to privacy,” and urged people to switch to what he calls more-secure storage of SpiderOak. Dropbox has added […]

Real Estate – The Global View

The US real estate market remains very diverse. The high end has been bought by Europeans and Chinese trying to get off the grid. The Chinese have been the biggest buyers as far as ticket price is concerned by the Canadian have been buying the largest amount of property in the USA and with the […]

Understanding Everything is Connected

COMMENT: Marty; I attended that Vancouver Conference. I found my notes and everything you said unfolded and now even the electronic currency you warned us was on their wish list back then. You are the only person who ties the world together. You have shown us the light in how to analyze the future. I […]

Computer Modeling Depends upon the Input – UN Global Warming Model DEAD Wrong for 18 Years!

It does not matter what we talk about be it markets or climate. If the data you are putting in garbage, you get garbage out. When it came to economic, I began a quest to gather data from ancient times to see even how the rise and fall of empires have developed. Those who created […]

Swiss Proposal to End Private Banking

The Swiss are getting a bad reputation for starting to have some off-the-chain socialist nut-job groups who obviously do not understand humanity, desire to suppress it and control it, and never bother to investigate an issue before blurting out solutions. The latest proposal is to effectively destroy banking completely assuming that leverage is the problem. […]

The 6th Wave – Shift Pubic to Private

The battle between opposite forces exists in everything. This is the classic left v right within every society. This manifests in where does the confidence of the people reside for the majority – within government or the private sector. We are in a 309.6 year Public Wave that ends in 2032.95. This force actually oscillates […]

Sovereign Debt Crisis Alive & Well In Canada – Ontario is one of the largest debts in the world among sub-sovereign governments

Those that have been yelling about hyperinflation complete ignore the fact that there are 3 major levels of government Federal-State/Province-Municipal/City and the latter two cannot print money. All three levels simply consume and debt has been the major crisis for centuries. Back in 1514, in the Stutgart/Tubingen area, the lord owed about a million gold […]

When Will the Monetary System Crack?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong: Thank you so much for coming in front of the curtain. Your views are absolutely enlightening. You provide colour to events from experience and I have sat in meetings at the …….. bank shocked at the lack of understanding that emerges from the board of directors. You are correct. They are the […]