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Market Talk- July 25, 2018

The late recovery in the DOW certainly offered a vote of confidence into Asia which benefited core Nikkei (+0.5%) and Hang Seng (+0.9%). Shanghai played plus and minus all day only to close almost unchanged as the Yuan saw a small recovery after recent declines. We saw a similar story in India where the SENSEX […]

Trade Wars & Rising Interest Rates – The Top Concerns of Fund Managers

The interesting fact is that the majority of fund managers today have reduced their equity allocation to their lowest level since November 2016 according to Reuters. The reason for this is their focus of trade and their assumption that the Great Depression was caused by a PROTECTIONISM. According to yet a recent monthly report by […]

Market Talk- July 24, 2019

It was business as usual in most Asian markets today, with the Yuan declining followed by a rallying stock market. The Yuan hit it lowest level (6.8255) in over a year today, as market fears the support has been side-lined. The Shanghai index continued its firm run gaining an additional 1.6% today with constant support […]

Until We Understand the Real Wealth of a Nation Progress Cannot be Achieved When We Try to Eliminate the Business Cycle

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Do you have any comment on the latest excuse for the decline in gold is because Trump is forcing it down so he can buy it up and move to gold-backed bonds like Nevada? This is the latest coming from the fringe which just seems so unrealistic any more. I am not […]

Market Talk- July 18, 2018

A pretty mixed day in Asia today with a small improvement for Japan, whilst the China decline continues. Having heard the comments from FED Chair Jerome Powell, markets assumed a hold mentality with volumes reflecting the uncertainty coupled with summer lull. The Nikkei did add +0.5% onto yesterdays numbers, but at the expense of the […]

Why CONFIDENCE is the Backbone of the New Monetary System

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I found your recent article on inflation and contagions fascinating. Am I correct in summing it up that today because currencies are not commodity based, they rise and fall on anticipation of political events whereas under precious metals contagions took place by one country debasing compared to another? Thank you for your […]

When Will We Be Truthful About Bureaucratic Intervention into Foreign Elections?

I really do find it totally beyond belief how even Republicans, such as House Speaker Paul Ryan, are coming out to criticize Trump saying Trump should have blasted Putin for interfering in the US election. He said, “There is no question that Russia interfered in our election and continues attempts to undermine democracy here and around the […]

Documenting History with Coins & How they Prove What We Were Taught is Not Always Correct

QUESTION: Dear Martin, I have been researching facts about history and there is strong evidence that what we were taught in school doesn’t fit with the reality. As you have a very vast coin collection, which is part of your research, how can you be sure of the timeline about those coins? I remember from your […]

Market Talk- July 16, 2018

Despite all of the weekends headlines surrounding US Presidents Trump’s meetings with NATO, UK’s PM Theresa May and then on to Helsinki with President Putin markets maintained calm. The USD remains very well supported, core bonds around the globe held their ground and other than a drift in energy prices, overall we survive in a […]

Australia Hit With Coldest Spell in 26 Years

The winter Downunder has already been the coldest in 26 years. Temperatures plummeted on the East Coast at Marangaroo to a low of -11.1C. It is amazing that the amount of money on the table to justify global warming which is all about raising taxes for carbon emissions is placing us at a greater risk for […]