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“The stupid will believe it and ask to be treated” Pandemic to DePopulate 1981

Jacques Attali is a well-known French economist and social theorist. He has been a political adviser but also a senior civil servant, which is in itself a distorted term for they never see themselves as serving the people. We have simply been a herd of sheep to manage. Additionally, Attali was a counselor to the […]


I continue to believe that this virus was manufactured and deliberately released neither by China nor the US Military and at the same time, we have the Grand Wizzard Bill now calling to end all beef consumption, and simultaneously, there is a rising call to reduce the population. Killing millions in the name of saving […]

The Real Agenda – Reply

  COMMENT: Hello Dear Mr Armstrong, In your recent article “what-is-the-real-agenda-with-vaccines-climate-change” You talk about power to be given to the UN for reasons that are cooked up with bad science. I agree, but I also see that this will never fully happen : China and Russia will not transfer power to the UN no matter what. […]

Who Should be Vaccinated & Who Should NOT!

My problem with this whole vaccine question is that many people are dying after being vaccinated and others are fine. This demand that EVERYONE must be vaccinated without any regard for safety is outrageous. For employers to even step into this quagmire is beyond belief when COVID is no worse than the flu insofar as […]

WEF & Davos is More than Just Forums

Many people have asked if I attend DAVOS meetings. The answer is NO! I considered taking a booth there to display Socrates, but decided against it because the overall theme of Davos was the very opposite of my personal views and the forecast of Socrates which says they will crash and burn. The World Economic […]

Using Global Capital Flow Heat Map

QUESTION: My question is how do I interpret an increase of 5% or more in the capital flows heat map to any country? Does this mean the stock market is projected to go up? the currency? how I am supposed to interpret it?  How I am supposed to interpret it. Can you give me please some examples? […]

Market Talk – August 6, 2021

ASIA: India on Thursday proposed scrapping a controversial law that taxed companies retrospectively and said it will refund disputed amounts, a move that could potentially settle its multi-billion-dollar tax cases with Cairn Energy and Vodafone. The amendment to the tax law could resolve at least 17 disputes of tax payments amounting to 500 billion rupees […]

The Threat of an Ice Age is Real

Most people have NEVER heard of the Beaufort Gyre, a massive wind-driven current in the Arctic Ocean that actually has far more influence over sea ice than anything we can throw into the atmosphere. The Beaufort Gyre has been regulating climate and sea ice formation for millennia. Recently, however, something has changed; it is not […]

Market Talk – August 5, 2021

ASIA: according to a new ranking, which predicts the Chinese economy will grow faster than India’s over the next decade. The data shows that China was able to increase its ranking despite US tariffs by exporting to other regions. India’s benchmark stock index—the NSE Nifty 50—crossed 16,000 for the first time Tuesday as investors bet […]

The Battle over the Virus – Real or Not

REQUEST-ECDC-AND-RESPONSE There is a huge debate over the COVID-19 and if this is real or not. But this ends up being a distraction because it is a tool, real or not, that is being used to eliminate human rights and end democracy. That is the end goal because the CURRENT system of borrowing endlessly requires […]