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Cologne Institute of German Business Warns of Deposit Protection May Not Survive in Europe

The Cologne Institute of German Business sees in the planned European deposit insurance is simply incapable of proving protection against a bank crash in Europe. The EU deposit guarantee is simply not practical under any concept of austerity. The Eurozone still has inherent significant risks in the balance sheets of European financial institutions. This is […]

The US Two-Tier Monetary System that Ended in 1971

QUESTION: You said the US had a two-tier monetary system under Bretton Woods. Can you explain that one, please? DHJ ANSWER: When Roosevelt confiscated gold, he created, in reality, a two-tier monetary system quite frankly as the medieval city of Florence. The Great Financial Panic of 1344 was when the value of silver rose dramatically blowing […]

The Changing Wind in Politics by Generation

    There is a major shift underway in the public sentiment that is underscoring why our computer has been forecasting the collapse in Marxist/Socialism. The message of the Democrats has been the same since the Great Depression – vote for us and we will rob those who have more and give it to you. When […]

Marxism to be Challenged on the High-Seas by Robot Ships?

A new technology is underway in the construction of the first robot cargo ship. This will be the first unmanned cargo ship to set sail. It is being constructed by Rolls-Royce. There is a catch. The international laws on shipping were set in place because of unions. As is, international shipping law states that ocean-going vessels […]

Congress Criticizes Trump’s People for Meeting with Russians

  The report is out on the claimed Trump collusion with Putin to defeat Hillary. All it did was criticize some members of Trump’s team for meeting with Russians at Trump Tower who claimed to have dirt on Hillary which was a ruse just to get a meeting. What they were trying to do was explain […]

Beware of Household Income Interpretation

  I have warned that one of the clever ways taxes are raised is by changing the definition of the rich. We can see that when FDR came into office, the definition of the rich became $5 million because he was planning to introduce the payroll tax and everyone had to pay. That was a […]

The First Representative Form of Money

  QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I was discussing the history of money with a professor at our university where they have a display of coins. I asked why were there no Egyptian coins. He referred me to your site and said that you are the expert in the world monetary system. I read your piece on the […]

Singapore Special Edition Asian Report

QUESTION: Will the Asian Report be exclusive to those who attend as was the case for Bangkok a couple years ago? It was also on TV back then and I think when you had dinner with 10 country financial ministers. Will you be doing that again out here? KRM ANSWER: Yes, the 2018 Asian Report […]

CURIOSITY that is the key to Everything

COMMENT: Sorry, the question being, how could it or could it be possible for, people first-time buyers, and foreign buyers to all happily own houses while supporting growth and the economy. I hope one day and highly think plausible in thousands of years time u will be looked back on as our generations Socrates , […]