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How Europe Will Kill Tourism – The Age of Big Brother is Upon Us

The world seems to be moving toward complete control over the freedom of movement. Most likely, we are approaching that critical point where governments are afraid of what is coming on the horizon. There are those in government who are well aware that socialism is collapsing and they indeed fear the rise of civil unrest. […]

Market Talk – March 12, 2019

Asia: Most of the major Asian markets closed in the green today. Increases were led by NIKKEI 225 (+378.60 points, +1.79%, 21,504 close), followed by Hang Seng (+417.57 points, +1.47%, 28,921 close). SENSEX and Shanghai increased +481.56 points (+1.30%, 37,536 close) and +33.31 points (+1.1%, 3,060 close) respectfully. KOSPI also increased +19.08 points (+0.89%, 2,157 […]

Market Talk – March 11, 2019

Asia: A mixed day for the major Asian stock markets; Shanghai led the way after adding 57.13 points (+1.92%, 3027 close), followed by SENSEX (+382.67 points, +1.04%, 37,054 close). Hang Seng and NIKKEI 225 increased 274.88 points (+0.97%, 28,503 close) and 103.16 points (+0.49%, 21,122 close) respectfully. HOSPI and ASX200 took the opposite route, losing […]

IRS & The Hunt for Taxes Worldwide

COMMENT: Marty…: My respected Australian broker in Sydney, to my horror today, has, for the first time, just asked me to supply the USA Internal Revenue Service with my Tax File Number because of a new requirement in the W8-ben form, otherwise he advises me that I will run the risk that they may withhold 30 […]

Is New York Trying to Take Over Tesla By Removing Elon Musk with the help of the SEC?

The biggest potential scandal that would take place is the consistent cover-up of the way New York courts have been used to strip any competitor in the financial industry outside of New York so whatever business they created is usurped by New York. The Michael Milkin of Drexel Burnham scandal of insider trading resulted in the destruction […]

35% of American Believe Government is the Problem

  The results of my life research, reading every newspaper story going into the bull market of the Roaring ’20s and the Great Depression revealed that before the high in 1929, when interest rates were rising, people interpreted it as BULLISH for it demonstrated that there was STILL a demand for money. Indeed, interest rates […]

Market Talk – March 7, 2019

Asia: President Trump says he is optimistic that a landmark trade deal with China is near completion, however, reports suggest that Chinese officials do not feel the same. The latest news with Huawei suing the US over a product ban does not help the overall situation. A mixed day for Asian stocks: Shanghai rose 5 […]

AOC’s Support May Be More Vulnerable Than Anyone Wants to Talk About

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, you said that that AOC won for the same reason that Trump won, just vote against the incumbent. Do you see her being elected again in 2020? PL ANSWER: If you look at the numbers of the 14th district there in New York, you can see what I have been talking about. Joe […]

Colorado Joins Compact to Eliminate Electoral College

QUESTION: Marty, Colorado is changing its law that the electoral college will be assigned according to the popular vote to try to stop Trump. Would you care to comment on this? MS ANSWER: In Colorado during the 2016 Presidential Election, 48.2% voted for Hillary and 43.3% for Trump. The danger of this bill means that the […]

Will the Democrats Split into Two Parties after AOC’s Threats?

The Democrats cheered the election of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) for they were sure that they were now going to be the party of the millennials. However, there is a growing division with the Democratic Party that for the first time may see itself fracture and divide as was the case when it split from the […]