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Divorce & Collapse of Socialism

COMMENT: Your article about the IRS invalidating your passport is correct….and more. I was working contract for our US DOS as an advisor a few years back in Colombia (2006-2009). My best friend and work with was summoned to the Bogata Embassy and his passport was confiscated, employment terminated and he was given a US […]

Market Talk- July 12, 2018

Many in the market were waiting to hear a response from China today, after the escalation by the US in trade tariffs. However, given their noticeable absence has provided a huge relief for markets and so we saw yesterdays decline reversed. An impressive 2.2% bounce proved wide spread and especially creditworthy when we see that […]

Market Talk- July 9, 2018

The mood appeared constructive in Asia today mostly following on from the late US rally Friday. Lack of any damaging weekend headlines has proved to be a relief and the markets have reflected it. China showed its reserve today with the core Shanghai index climbing over 2.5% and equally impressive, closing at the highs of […]

Shanghai 1930 Gold Backed Currency

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, what were the gold custom units issued by the Bank of China with the image of Sun Yat-sen. PHR ANSWER: The Customs Gold Unit (CGU) was the first peg to the US dollar. Here we have China issuing currency backed by the US dollar. It was a currency issued by the Central Bank of […]

Market Talk- July 5, 2018

  Another weak session for Asia even as some markets did attempt a bounce. The mood in general remains negative with core China Shanghai down another 1% today as the US/China tariff issue possibly are enacted Friday. China has already publically stated they will respond and not be proactive, but the benefit of the time […]

Illinois to Assault the Entire Internet – They May End Up With Businesses Refusing to Deal With People in Illinois

The Supreme Court’s decision to allow every state to tax the internet is complete insanity. Sources in Illinois are warning that the state is bankrupt and it now intends to wage an all-out assault upon the internet. They may, in the end, simply force many small companies to REFUSE to do business with anyone who […]

Market Talk- July 3, 2018

Many in Asia had expected to see a recovery today following the turnaround we saw in US markets, but this was not to be. Despite an early rally prices soon turned lower as concerns over the US/China trade tariffs and renewed Yuan negativity. The Hang Seng looked to be the outlier but remember it was […]

Market Talk- June 29, 2018

  An end of month rebound saw healthy gains for China’s core markets as well as other periphery. The last day of the quarter, coupled with a softening rhetoric surrounding US/China trade negotiations helped sentiment and cash flow. Core Shanghai bounced over 2.2% with the Hang Seng not far behind at 1.6%. Month and quarter […]

Market Talk- June 28, 2018

Asia certainly showed its distain after the disappointing close on US markets. Japan, India and ASX all opened lower, but reassuringly they were the days lows. The Nikkei spent much of the day recouping lost ground and with the help of a weaker currency., finally finished marginally positive. The SENSEX did not fair so well, […]

Market Talk- June 27, 2018

The story of June has certainly been the US -Europe- Asia trade wars which were instigated by Trump administration back at the start of the month. The tariffs of 25% on Steel and 10% on Aluminum likely to affect around 100 Bn worth of goods globally. China and Europe since retaliated, with Europe initiating a […]