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Market Talk – August 4, 2021

ASIA: The Reserve Bank of India’s Monetary Policy Committee began its bi-monthly deliberations today amid expectations of keeping repo and reverse repo rates unchanged on the back of the fear of the third COVID-19 wave. The monetary policy outcome will be announced on Friday, August 6, 2021. Analysts expect MPC to retain the policy interest […]

Italy Denying the Right to Vote if Unvaccinated

  I have been warning that the end goal here is the pure authoritarian rule. My critics have called me just a Trump supporter and call any notion that this COVID scam is just a conspiracy theory. I have tried to point out that there is a far bigger agenda here and Trump simply had […]

Market Talk – August 3, 2021

  ASIA: Singapore recorded its strongest economic growth in 11 years in the second quarter of 2021, rebounding from its worst economic slump on record a year ago due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The Southeast Asian economy surged 14.3% in the second quarter compared with the same period a year ago, according to advance estimates […]

Behind the Curtain

  Jennifer Accuri, who had a love affair with Boris Johnson and obviously knows him very well, has also been out talking about what is going on behind the curtain. I have heard that this drive for 100% vaccination has at its core the attempt to whip society into obedient drones. That is the real […]

End Private Donations to FDA & CDC – NOW!

Our greatest problem has been that Bill Gates has his tentacles deeply involved in the CDC and FDA while he has a major shareholding in the vaccine companies. If I was managing a big public fund or just a big private investor, the Federal Reserve, Treasury, and every other central bank in the world would […]

The Real COVID Agenda Nobody Will Expose

In Germany, the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) wanted another lockdown to push forward the agenda of the Great Reset. A secret paper of the controversial RKI boss Lothar Wieler was leaked, which was pushing an agenda to lock down the country again, disguising the true goals, which had nothing to do with health. From the […]

Market Talk – August 2, 2021

ASIA: China’s government issued new procurement guidelines in May that require up to 100% local content on hundreds of items, including x-ray machines and magnetic resonance imaging equipment, erecting fresh barriers for foreign suppliers, Reuters reported. Document 551 was issued on May 14 by the Chinese Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Industry and […]

The Big Capital Shift – Economic Future of Uncertainty

Capital is flowing like never before. While governments are talking Great Reset and the IMF is pushing for abandoning paper money moving to a cryptocurrency in hopes that the next stage will be for the IMF version to replace the dollar as the reserve currency, the smart money is on the move. Everything from housing […]

The Authoritarian Rule & The Post-2032 Hope

Based upon reports from inside several governments, the IMF has been directing all central banks to terminate paper money by 2022 and move to digital currencies. The real motive here is to terminate the underground economy and to ensure that everyone is 100% taxed as they determine. This has been the driving force behind the […]

Market Talk – July 30, 2021

ASIA: A report published by US-based Peterson Institute for International Economics said that China’s purchases of U.S. goods are still falling short of trade agreement levels, even as overall Chinese imports from the U.S. have surged. In January 2020, before the coronavirus pandemic and under former U.S. President Donald Trump, China agreed to buy at […]