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LOCKDOWNS – When Will they End?

This COVID-19 is a virus that will be with us into the next couple of years, yet it will mutate as all viruses do. We need a completely new crop of politicians because lockdowns are not the answer. Do these people really think they can keep locking people down for the rest of our lives […]

Sovereign Defaults Unfolding

In the Gulf, states are facing bankruptcy. Oman can hardly even pay his electricity bill. The IMF has been now lobbying to defer emerging-market debt for one year. We have been able to confirm from behind the curtain that more than 100 nations have asked the IMF for help. The sheer stupidity of this coronavirus […]

Creating a Different New World Order

QUESTION: Dear Mr. Armstrong: I apologize that I called you a fraud. Sometimes being a virgo is very hard. I became information overloaded and my tongue is very sharp. I am still reading your blog and I am amazed that you post the Corbett Report, which I follow religiously like yours.  I do not like that […]

Is the Virus Being Exploited to Justify the Federalization of Europe?

The head of the Institute for the World Economy believes that sooner or later tax increases must be considered in order to cope with the corona crisis. There is absolutely no question that this coronavirus will be used to raise taxes dramatically to cover the revenue losses that those in power created with their draconian […]

Market Talk – March 3, 2020

ASIA The United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (UNHRC) has filed an intervention in the Indian Supreme Court on the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) and informed India’s Permanent Mission in Geneva about it, India’s Ministry of External Affairs said. This means that the global human rights body wants to be made a party in […]

Why Do Nearly 40% of Billionaires Not Have College Degrees?

QUESTION: Why do nearly 40% of billionaires drop out of school? It seems like the most successful people are all dropouts. Would you explain why? Bill Gates Steve Jobs Mark Zuckerberg Rush Limbaugh Ralph Lauren Steve Madden Rachael Ray Coco Chanel ANSWER: Very simple. Formal education is incapable of teaching creativity. This is why there […]

Brunson – the Alleged Pastor

    The Turkish court has rejected the appeal to release Andrew Brunson, who is the alleged US pastor at the center of a dispute between Ankara and Washington. While he has been there for 23 years, his new Church of the Resurrection has existed for less than a year and it had only 25 members. From […]

Market Talk- June 8, 2018

The uncertain US tech session resulted in negative Asian prices with China underperforming all the region. Core Shanghai and the Hong Kong’s Hang Seng both lost around 1.5% as financials, tech, real estate and energy stocks all traded heavy. We are starting to see a differing of opinion between China and other emerging economies, but […]

Société Générale Announces Major Reduction in Staff & Branches

  COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong; Your warning about the European Banks has come to a head today. Société Générale has announced it is closing 300 branches and firing 3450 staff. Everything you have been saying is proving to be correct when nobody else seems to even discuss the matter. I hope you come back to Paris. A […]

Warning About People Soliciting Money for Trading

It has come to our attention that there are individuals soliciting clients for money to trade on their behalf claiming they have mastered our system and will use it. These people have NEVER managed money and handing them money is no different than asking a cab driver to conduct surgery on you because he sounds like […]