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Trump is 3rd President to be Impeached – But Will This Cost the Democrats?

The House voted to impeach Trump as expect along party lines 230-197 to charge Trump with abuse of power and 229-198 to charge him with obstruction of Congress. Only two Democrats voted against both articles, Reps. Collin Peterson of Minnesota and Jeff Van Drew of New Jersey. They are expected to soon switch parties and […]

Eric Holder Covering His Ass & The Obama Administration’s Investigation of Trump

Former US Attorney General, Eric Holder, had the audacity to write in the highly partisan Washington Post with the headline: “William Barr is unfit to be attorney general.” Holder accuses Attorney General William P. Barr of making a series of public statements and actions that he called “so plainly ideological, so nakedly partisan and so […]

Trump Impeachment – Here we go!

Trump is just the fourth president in the history of the United States to have articles of impeachment get this far. Of course, this is really just politics as evident by the party-line vote. With Nixon, there were votes on the issue that did not follow the party-line. This will be remembered as perhaps the […]

Trump & Fed Meet – Why?

The unannounced meeting between the Fed and Trump was a briefing on the Repo Crisis BECAUSE the real crisis cannot be discussed publicly. I have not been getting much sleep lately. This is a very serious crisis and all the BS on TV of these pretend analysts giving their two cents is really amazing. They […]

Conspiracy Against Trump

QUESTION: Are you familiar with Qanon and if so what are your thoughts. KJF ANSWER: No I do not believe it. That is a conspiracy theory that there is a worldwide cabal of Satan-worshiping pedophiles who rule the world, essentially, and they control everything. They control politicians, and they control the media. They control Hollywood, […]

The Star Witness Against Trump?

Here we have direct linkage admitted by Biden that $1 billion would be withheld unless he fired the prosecutor investigating the company who hired his son to gain influence in Washington, This is the standard operational procedure. Iran is told to do something or else they will impose sanctions.

Political Corruption & Trump Impeachment

QUESTION: You have been silent on the Trump impeachment proceedings. What is your opinion? HT ANSWER: It is just a dog and pony show all intent upon trashing Trump for political reasons. In doing so, they are trying to indirectly to pretend what Joe Biden did was ethical,  which it was not. Biden admitted he […]

Is Trump Being Kept in the Dark?

QUESTION: Regarding the repo crisis blog. Surely president Trump would be interested in what you do. Am I just being naive? I mean if the administration were kept informed by Socrates, knowing it’s history, wouldn’t they try to adapt? At some point they have to admit your right. MH ANSWER: I think Trump himself would […]

The Whistle-Blower’s Lawyer Called for a Coup back in 2017 Against Trump – That’s Impartial?

The attorney for the claimed whistleblower against President Donald Trump that the Democrats are desperate to try to hide his identity, Mark Zaid, defended his tweets calling for a “coup” against President Trump. Zaid claims to be nonpartisan but he is obviously not when he calls for a coup against the president of the United […]

Impeaching Trump to Shut Down the Government

The object of impeachment against Trump is to ensure that nothing gets done between now and 2021. How do you measure the true cost of impeaching the president? It is certainly not the dollars and cents involved in holding hearings, printing transcripts, or paying Congressional staffer salaries. The true cost is the politicians who were […]