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Ukraine Moving into Civil War – Turkey in Constitutional Crisis

There is not much left to be said. Christine Lagarde is a very evil manipulator. She has blackmailed Ukraine into fighting Russia head-to-head or she will pull the plug on IMF loans. The civil war burst out in full view in Odessa. Ukraine has 45 million people so it is not a small incidental republic […]

Ukraine – The US & Russia Propaganda

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong; Thank you so much for defending the people of Ukraine against those who claim we are just manipulated by the CIA. These people have no understanding of what we have gone through and for what so many have died for. You have been truly an inspiration to our desire to be free. […]

US & German Involvement in Ukraine

COMMENT: Hi! You know you are brilliant and grasp many aspects correctly, well ahead of the curve. What’s more you stand by your conviction openly and that’s commendable. I recommended some of your latest short articles on Ukraine, but I would like to turn your attention to the different shades of pale there. You are right […]

Ukrainian News Reports US Has Intercepted Communication of Moscow Directing Pro-Russians in Eastern Ukraine

The Ukrainian version of Pravda (Truth) has reported that US intelligence has intercepted a conversation between the Kremlin and its spies in Eastern Ukraine. All of our sources and plain common sense with men in professional military uniforms without markings does not hide the fact that Russia has already invaded and controls the Eastern region […]

Russia using Chechnya Troops to Occupy Eastern Ukraine – This is Checkmate

In Slowjansk, Eastern Ukraine, we have our own direct sources that confirm with photographs that Russian troops have invaded and occupy the city. We have direct confirmation that these men in green are from the Russian forces, but mostly from Chechnya. The Web Cameras that use to broadcast all the time in Slowjansk have been […]

Russia covertly Behind the Pro-Russian Seizure of cities in the Eastern Ukraine

Everything that took place in Crimea is unfolding in the Eastern region of Ukraine. Men in the same green uniforms without markings have appeared in the region with military grade weapons. Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has said that Russia has the right under international law to invade if Russians are threatened there, drawing a […]

Eastern Ukraine – Falling to Russia?

We have direct contacts in Donetsk. We reported previously that Russians were seen there weeks ago. However, there have now been gun battles in Sloviansk, and the Pro-Russian activists/mercenaries have taken government buildings in  Kramatorsk and Druzhkovka as well while there are reports of similar activity in the cities – Mariupol and Yenakievo. Nevertheless,in Sloviansk and […]

Russian Invasion of Eastern Ukraine Has Begun

  The crisis in Eastern Ukraine appears to be a Russian invasion albeit covertly precisely the same way it was first done in Crimea. On April 12th, the realization that the Russian Federation has actually invaded Ukraine began to be realized and the National Security and Defense Council was urgently convened. The Minister of Internal Affairs […]

Ukraine – Debt – War – Corruption

Ukraine ended the pro-Russia occupation of administration buildings but armed protesters hold out in other cities. They are armed and this seems to be creating a situation where Russia can argue they are needed to protect Russian living there. There is no doubt that Russia will eventually seize Ukraine but just how will be more […]

Putin Beefing Up Syria – Still with Eyes on Ukraine

Putin has now more openly beefed-up Syria after Crimea. The West cannot stop Russia and he knows that. Stopping the pipeline through Syria is economically vital to retain Russia’s hold on Europe and the US will start to send gas to Europe in 2015. Syria is all about energy to help Europe – it has […]