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China & the Dollar

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; It is true that China will stop supporting the dollar and will become a net seller? The Goldbugs are claiming the dollar is dead buy gold. But they seem to use every reason to justify only buying and it rarely proves to be true. If there’s anyone who knows what is really […]

China – A new Era

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; It is becoming very obvious who China is listening to. You said China should bypass the NY banks and go directly to the Treasury. They did. They used QE to shorten their US debt holdings. They did. Now on Friday they have relaxed the one-child rule as you said they had to […]

China’s Reform Push for 2020

China has vowed to push toward free markets and to allow them to take a more dominant role in developing the economy – its reform for 2020. When I was invited by the Central Bank of China back in 1997 and was given a tour of a major facility where they were monitoring everything that […]

China – Gold – Financial Capital of the World

QUESTION:  Martin…in your previous work, I had noticed that China was due to become the world’s new hegemon by 2015.75.  Several sources that I follow, one included below, indicates China’s voracious appetite for metal, something the west seems willing to accommodate at this point.  It seems the lower the price goes, the more China is willing […]

US Debt Default & China – A Matter of Sovereignty

The Chinese Premier Li Keqiang has sent a clear message to U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry on Thursday. Li told him that for “China the issue of the American debt ceiling [is of] great attention”. His statements were published on the government website. These remarks, as short as they are, demonstrate that the financial […]

US – Italy – China

Of course, the USA stock futures and the dollar came under some pressure as the shutdown of the government appears more likely. Everyone knows this is just drama and posturing as if the USA would actually default. But hey, it is good for moving markets as the talking head talk to themselves so much, they […]

China Shifting from Public to Private US Investment

China continues to shift from Public to Private debt investment. In July, they were buying mortgage-backed securities while selling US government debt. They are moving away from the Public and into the Private debt markets. China understands cycles – the West does not.

ECB & China Accepting the Same Type of Products from Banks that Blew Up the World in 2007

The ECB and China are allowing their banks to post the very same products that Blew-Up the Financial World as collateral for loans. The banking crisis in Europe is devastating because the reserves were the various euro bonds of all member states. Cyprus went down because of their losses on Greek bonds. Banks is Europe […]

China Allows Snowden to Leave Hong Kong & seek asylum in Ecuador

  China Allows Snowden to Leave Hong Kong & seek asylum in Ecuador in a huge blow to Obama. President, Rafael Vicente Correa has offered asylum now to Snowden as well as Assange. The US expected Hong Kong to hand over Snowden, but China must have intervened to allow Snowden to leave, for Hong Kong would […]

China Factory Index Declines

The deflationary mode of the world economy is still brewing. We have Europe turning negative and that is impacting China as well. Many areas will be negative into 2020 on a global scale.