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The World of Autocrats

Biden had the audacity to call Vladimir Putin an “autocrat.” Autocratic governments are often called dictatorships or sometimes autocracies. This is the pot calling the kettle black. The Democrats refused to allow any competitor on the Democratic ticket because they knew Biden would lose. The scene all along has been to draft Hillary in August […]

Biden to be Replaced come August

QUESTION: Has Biden finally caved in to close the border after he opened it up on his first day in office? This seems like admitting he made a mistake which has hurt so many people in this country. UT ANSWER: Yes, this is admitting it was a complete failure. The nut-job liberal base that wanted […]

Victoria Nuland’s Replacement?

The role of undersecretary of state for political affairs has been vacant since Victoria Nuland resigned in March. President Joe Biden has just asked Julianne Smith to fill the position. The Senate Foreign Relations Committee strongly supports Smith and is likely to appoint her. Who is the potential new queen of the US neocons? Smith […]

It’s A Democrat Thing to Make Up Stories of Your Youth?

  And Hillary says Biden has a mental/age problem and should not be President – so turn to Hillary? Biden was born November 20, 1942 so he is ONLY 5 years older than Hillery Well, she did not have an uncle eaten by cannibals – Perhaps!

The Largest Presidential Rally in NJ History

The largest presidential rally in the history of New Jersey occurred over the weekend on May 11. Donald A crowd of around 100,000 came together to listen to former President Donald Trump and show their support for his re-election campaign. Could New Jersey flip red once again? New Jersey voted Democrat in Trump’s 2016 presidential […]

Over Half of New IRS Audits Targeted the Middle Class

Washington’s reckless spending comes with a cost to US taxpayers. While the fed may simply roll over their debt and issue new debt to pay off the old, the American public is on the hook for immediate liquidity every single year via taxation. The misconception that Biden would only target the wealthy needs to be […]

Judge Merchan’s Trial Will Destroy USA Like Trial of William Penn

New York Supreme Court Judge Juan Merchan is a seasoned jurist who is no stranger to Trump’s orbit. He has presided over the Trump Organization tax fraud trial, sentenced the former president’s close confidant Allen Weisselberg to prison over his role in the scheme, and overseen former Trump adviser Steve Bannon’s criminal fraud case. There […]

Women Across America in Danger Thanks to Open Borders

Laken Riley’s death by an illegal alien was entirely preventable. Absolutely nothing was done to prevent another similar situation from happening again, and now young women are being murdered by migrants all across America. The left has been suppressing these stories, but these women deserve justice. In Chicago, where only criminals are safe, another young […]

Google and Election Interference

  Anyone with access to the internet from 2019 to 2020 can tell you that Google did, in fact, meddle in the 2020 US Presidential Elections in favor of then-candidate Joe Biden. Media Research Center found that Google interfered 41 times over the last 16 years, which is a drastic underestimation. Google continues to interfere […]

How the Clintons Destabilized Haiti

Haiti has been propelled into a downward spiral ever since the Clinton Foundation stepped in to “help.” They have successfully destabilized the nation. Haiti is now a lawless land ruled by a gang leader called BBQ for his brutal tactics, and yes, the reports of cannibalism among gang members is factual. Over 2.5 million residents […]