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Mercenaries – the New Way to Fight Wars

We tend to think of war as a national army against a national army. But wars have changed dramatically since Iraq. Mercenaries are more powerful than most realize, which is a grave oversight. Those who assume they are cheap imitations of national armed forces do not have a clue about what is taking place. For-profit […]

Is Britain a Major Short? Is the EU Waging war on Free Speech?

  Britain has lost its historical roots and, thus, its mind.  Britain has embraced the very idea of George Orwell’s 1984 as a good idea. They now engage in a desperate attempt to imprison anyone who dares to criticize the government because they know they are losing power. Instead of looking objectively at what they […]

Democrat Tulsi Gabbard warns – Do Not Vote Democrat

  Tulsi Gabbard, who is a Democratic American politician, is also a United States Army Reserve officer who was a candidate in the 2020 Presidential Election, Lieutenant Colonel in the Unit United States Army Civil Affairs and Psychological Operations Command United States Army Reserve. She dares to speak out about the Neocons. Kamala would be […]

Will Macron Start War to Retain Power?

The Rassemblement National (RN), which the press calls the far-right in France, has become the ant-war party with hopes of displacing Macron as prime minister after France’s upcoming parliamentary. In 2022, Marine Le Pen doubled down on her criticism of Europe in support of the Ukrainian war and counteroffensive as tensions within the Russian government […]

The Role of Grandparent Vanishing from Society

I discussed how the rising costs of childcare surpass the cost of rent by 25% to 50% across the United States. The cost of raising a child is directly reflected in the birth rate crisis we are seeing across the world. Another new phenomenon is permanently altering the family structure as a result of economics […]

The US Government’s Plan for Social Security

When questioned about the future of Social Security by the Senate Finance Committee, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen admitted that Biden “doesn’t have a plan.” There could be no possible plan for an ongoing Ponzi scheme that will fail once the fund runs out of money. Estimates believe Social Security will reach insolvency before 2034. “I […]

The Elites Want War to Reduce the Population ASAP for Climate Change

    This entire conflict was manufactured by the American Neocons led by John McCain and Victoria Nuland. It was McCain who started the Climate Change agenda on Capital Hill, and it had nothing to do with the planet. He was arguing against fossil fuels to cut off Russia’s energy sales. It was never about […]

The Fix is In – Trump Goes to Prison

Let me explain something very important. George Soros’ son has come out and said that Trump would not go away unless he is in prison. I am not at liberty to say at this time, but the FIX IS IN and Trump will be imprisoned in the Washington, DC case. That is the plan. Soros […]

May 2024 & the WHO

Historically, the mindset from the very beginning of the United Nations has been this theory that a one-world government will end all wars. This has even been expressed directly by Julian Huxley, one of the founders. In fact, I had deep conversations with Maggie Thatcher about this and how the EU was proceeding with the […]

Study Examines Deaths After COVID Vaccination

A team of researchers wanted to review whether COVID-19 vaccine adverse events were linked to an increase in morbidity. The team looked at published necropsy and autopsy reports related to the COVID vaccine, and identified 678 studies including 44 papers containing 325 autopsy and necropsy cases. Three physicians peer-reviewed these deaths to determine if the […]