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Childcare Costs Exceed Rent in the US

Bloomberg released a damning report that explains how childcare costs exceed the average price of rent in the United States. This does not factor in the various costs of raising a child, as it merely looks at the cost of sending them to daycare. The true reason we are seeing a birth rate crisis across […]

The London ECM Next Weekend

  We have reached a critical crossroads in the world economy. May 7th, 2024, was a profound turning point that changed the course of events as they are starting to unfold. We will be covering Europe, economically and geopolitically, and the rush for a war that will justify not just digital IDs, but capital controls; […]

The Dow Hits First Target 40,000 – What’s Next?

  COMMENT: It is baffling why you are not on the front page of the WSJ, Barons, London FT, NY Times, and every financial newspaper claiming to be interested in markets. In the ’80s, when the Dow was 1,000, you forecast it would reach 6,000 by 1996. On the day of the 1987 low, you […]

American Households Hold Record Debt Q1 2024

The New York Federal Reserve reported that American households set a new record after plummeting into $17.69 trillion of debt, a 1.1% ($184 billion) increase from Q4 2023. Worse, the number of delinquencies is rising as households struggle to make ends meet amid the cost of living crisis. Inflation is not waning, taxes are rising, […]

House Democrats Pushing to Permit Migrants to Vote

I’m posting this so there’s no confusion about what democrats had planned all along for the upcoming election. — sandy (@3Sandy7_) May 9, 2024 A few votes could change the course of history. The Equal Representation Act questions whether illegal migrants should appear on the next US census in 2030, effectively granting them representation. […]

Where is the POTUS?

America needs a strong leader to restore law and order in our society. Our leadership has chosen to create division and cause neighbors to turn on neighbors. We are facing the highest national debt in US history, lower purchasing power, inflation that will not wane, a sharp wave in crime, a housing crisis, two proxy […]

British MoD Allegedly Hacked by China on May 7

The Ministry of Defence (MoD) announced on May 7 that they were targeted by hackers. The initial announcement did not state who was responsible, but Sky News reported that their sources claim China is to blame. There has been much news of heightened tensions with China around the May 7 target. Did China hack the […]

Civil Unrest Across US Universities – Staged Actors

  Staged actors have been embedded in US universities to promote the pro-Palestinian, anti-US sentiments. Professional agitators have been utilized countless times throughout periods of civil unrest, and while the media has repeatedly denied that Soros and other far-left funders are backing these protests, the evidence is in plain sight. CNN reported that many of […]

The UK Will Deport Migrants to Rwanda

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak finally has the power to bypass the European Union courts and tackle the UK’s migrant crisis. About 1,843 illegal immigrants crossed into the UK in 2019, but that number quickly multiplied to 28,526 in 2021. It is believed that the UK was forced to admit an astounding 60,000 undocumented illegal immigrants […]

Beware of 2025

QUESTION: Hi Martin, What are you thoughts on holding cash into 2028? You said cash was king, but there would come a time to abandon cash. It seems this CBDC thing is what you are talking about. Do you have any time yet? See you in London Kind regards, HF ANSWER: Europeans are much more familiar with […]