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Russia’s Wheat Crop Fails?

The weather turned very cold this year as our computer has been forecasting. The importance of our model’s forecasts lies in determining what will be the next cycle focus. Each cycle tends to shift from one to the next sector. While we still risk a strong dollar rally into 2020 creating the economic recession through […]

The Crisis in Analysis – Is it Just Hopeless?

A new study has come out taking issue with the entire climate change forecasts putting forth that it is at best 45% as intense as the prognostications put forth. The greatest flaw is just how poor these people do their research. They are TOTALLY ignorant of any cyclical trend and project that if the temperature […]

Greece & the Debt Crisis

The entire EU Crisis began precisely on schedule on the Political Pi Turning point from the major high in 2007. Precisely on the day of the ECM turning point, April 16, 2010 (2010.29) Greece notified the IMF it was on the verge of bankruptcy. By April 22nd, the Euro fell to near year-low levels amid concerns about […]

Britain Cancels its Currency but Keeps £1 million notes

COMMENT: Message: I am a great fan of your blog and read all with interest. I was surprised to read £10 notes have been canceled, as I still regularly get £10 and £20 notes and send them even though electronic money transfer is increasingly the norm MR REPLY: Britain introduced the new “tenners” last September. […]

Juncker Celebrates 200th Birthday of Karl Marx

The head of the EU, Jean-Claude Juncker celebrates the 200th anniversary of Karl Marx in Germany. What is really stunning, is that Karl Marx is not merely the champion of Communism which he adopted from the French Commune experiment during the French Revolution, he is responsible for killing tens of millions of people, more than all the […]

China – Is There an Asian Debt Crisis on the Horizon?

China is on its way to reaching the title of the Financial Capital of the World post-2032. However, that is also NOT going to be accomplished all on its own. In part, this is the moving trend and the shift our computer has been forecasting also because the West is in a Sovereign Debt Crisis and […]

China’s New Silk Road

The Chinese government had finished its rail freight service between China and London. This is expanding the New Silk Road creating a direct rail link straight from China to Great Britain. This route moves from Beijing, across Asia and Europe, and then reaches London. Of course, this will move both ways. This will certainly enable […]

Armenia Turning to Revolution?

The protests in Armenia are continuing. Now Al-Jazeera reports that the soldiers are joining the people. Back on April 23rd, Armenia celebrated the resignation of Serzh Sargsyan, the man who had ruled Armenia for ten years as president/dictator and then for a week changing his title to the Prime Minister. Everyone celebrated and shops ran out of champagne. […]

Greece Going After People Who Rent Their House Out for Taxes

The Greek tax authorities are really destroying any semblance of a free society all to satisfy the EU. Tax agents have been pretending to rent houses for a vacation and then monitoring if the people pay taxes. The government is pro-actively sending out people to do business and they are looking to see what you do. […]

The Coming Monetary Reform – Behind the Curtain Talk

QUESTION: Okay Marty, You keep saying “the world monetary system will have to be reformed.” Spill! What do you hear behind the curtain? Cheers, EM ANSWER: I just returned from Europe where I had meetings with some high levels of interest. The great concern in Europe is the end of QE for there is a serious […]