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Market Talk- March 7th, 2017

The Nikkei continued its two-day slide ending today with just small -0.2% decline. The JPY had one of its tightest trading ranges in awhile even with geopolitics playing out on its doorstep. The talk around Asia remains focused on the FED and implications upon their (Asia’s) markets as they will be closed upon the NFP […]

Rating Agencies Try to Influence French Elections

Standard & Poor’s (S & P) is being touted as once again trying to influence political elections as they did in Britain without success. While the US Congress wants to investigate Russia trying to influence US elections, they should look at the US track record of influencing foreign elections by the CIA and also the […]

Draghi & ECB Want to Regulate British Banks doing biz in the Eurozone

The ECB is living itself in La La Land. It is demanding that British Banks wishing to do business inside the Eurozone after BREXIT must obtain a license. While this is the same type of requirement for any foreign bank seeking to do business in the USA, the idea that the ECB wants to make […]

Vertigo & Trading

There are at lot of professional traders who really lack the in-depth knowledge of the historical track record of how markets really trade because they have not traded something like this which is similar to 195 blast-off or the bull market into 1929. This is a special type of market and it requires real research […]

Teamsters Local 707 Goes Bankrupt

The Pension Crisis on the horizon is far worse than anyone can imagine. This is the final straw that will break the back of socialism the same as communism fell. Pensions are in a state of crisis for they lost money in stock in the 2007-2009 crash and then sold the bottom shifting to government […]

The Obama-Boehner Debt Crisis

The debt deal struck by President Barack Obama and the then House Speaker John Boehner back in October 2015, was done purposefully to ensure that the debt crisis would not unfold under Obama and the Democrats.  John Boehner never saw a government role of red tape he never cherished.  The debt deal was absurd that […]

Market Talk- February 28, 2017

  Much of the talk surrounded the 12 days of fresh highs for the US markets, but even so Asia closed mixed with focus well and truly on President Trump’s speech. The congress address will not take place until late in the US evening which will be just ahead of the Asian opening. The safe-haven […]

Is it Safe to Store Gold in a Safe Deposit Box?

QUESTION:  Martin, Love your blog, especially your historical perspective. You recently responded to a viewer that we should take precious metals out of safety deposit boxes. Is there a reason for this? To my understanding the bail-in rules for banks in N.america put deposits and bonds at risk only? Thanks. ANSWER:  The contents of a […]

Market Talk- February 24, 2017

Another lacklustre session for Asian equity markets as we approach both the end of week closely followed by the end of the month. The Nikkei and Hang Seng both lost around 0.6% on the day with a small gain registered for Shanghai, but the big talking point remains the bond market and specifically the west. […]

Market Talk- February 23, 2017

A little rest and relaxation is a good thing and that is what Asian equity markets gave us today. Having seen the US markets set even more new highs rather than retrace the nerves were truly set after the comments alluding to the March rate rise. All core indices drifted with Nikkei, Shanghai, and Hang […]