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Precious Metals

QUESTION: Hi Martin, As someone who was taken in by the gold and silver bugs and went all in 3 years ago I am now left out of pocket and can’t sell my investments as I’d lose nearly half. As I am only a small time investor how much longer do I now have to wait […]

Is the New World Order Cracking Apart?

Amazing, but some people have sent quotes attributed to R. Bildeberg claiming he will dominate the world. The Bildebergs are not named after a person some people have been making up these wild quotes. It was a Hotel where the first meeting was held. The quotes are fake. The first meeting was organized by late […]

India Part II

COMMENT: Dear Martin, First of all I must tell you, I look through your website several times a day as your learnings are unmatched. I wished we were both 20 and I could learn my entire life, with you, from you 🙂 Reference your article on India, it is tied down by language. is […]

Future Web Conferences

COMMENT: Martin Armstrong. Hi – I was a die-hard goldbug. You changed me for ever Martin. Thank you. I think you will be remembered as one of the greatest economists of all times. I am from Argentina and I always read your work. I am just a white collar bank analyst from Argentina who thought that […]

US Share Market & Corporate Buybacks

QUESTION:  You have taught us to pay attention to global capital flows to help us assess market directions and movements… Does it matter from where the capital is flowing? I refer to this short article on US companies and stock buy-backs which seem to be contributing to the upward trend in US equities: Thanks! Yours […]

Can Countries Devalue a Currency Anymore?

QUESTION: What is ‘modern day’ currency devaluation? I have read your articles about the 1930s devaluation and I also do understand what money is (thanks to your writings). I am not sure what ‘modern day’ currency devaluation is and I was hoping you may write more about this subject. I know there is a lot […]

Comment From Scotland

COMMENT: Actually the SNP won the Scottish Parliament in May 2007 at the turn in ECM, breaking the stronghold of Unionist parties. This was the start of the breaking of their control I previously explained to you the 309 years from 1707 to 2016 (independence date hopefully). So us Scots are sticking to the program. Thanks […]

New Allegations Against JP Morgan Emerge in Australia

A back-office accountant has emerged in Australia stating that the Australian office of J.P. Morgan failed to report losses to its parent and to the Federal Reserve. Documents have surfaced in Australia files turned over to the Senate. Even since the cycle on banking turned last year, the truth is emerging about their conduct from […]

Russia Leaks on 911 – Oops! Didn’t Think of That One!

Russia is starting to fight back with leaking the evidence that the USA has worked with terrorists and knew about 911 if not help the terrorists organize the attack. The Saudi’s have controlled the terrorists and threatened Russia that their Olympic Games would be safe only if they agreed to the Saudi terms. It was […]

2013 August 7th What Was it? Nothing or a Watershed Shift?

QUESTION: Hello Mr. Armstrong, I have been reading almost all of your writings in the past 4-5 years.  I just wanted to clarify or dig a little bit deeper on your blog post today for the Dow and the ECM.  You noted that we must wait until the bottom of the ECM in September this […]