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More Trouble for the EU – Austrian Election Declared a Fraud

Austria’s Constitutional court has ordered that the May’s presidential election be completely annulled. A new election must be held because of “particularly serious cases” of voting fraud that was detected in the vote. If the election is not rigged, then we may have another country seek to exit the EU or give them a good […]

Market Talk – July 1st, 2016

The first day of the second half of 2016 and it starts with a whimper. Yes, The Nikkei and Shanghai were marginally better bid (China PMI marginally lower 50 v’s 50.1 previously) but with the Hang Seng closed there was really not that much to write home about. The Japanese data was a little better and we saw a […]

Market Talk — June 30, 2016

With the exception of the firmer Hang Seng (+1.75%), core Asia was pretty much mooted. The big news today was BREXIT again when Boris Johnson withdrew his name for potential Conservative Leader. This comes on the tail of Michael Gove declaring his willingness to throw his hat in the ring. Markets were firmer (around +0.5%) […]

British Politics in Disarray?

The “remain” crowd thinks this is all over in Britain because Boris Johnson will not seek the PM position in the Tories, and this appears to be setting up for Theresa May to take the PM position. One reader wrote a rather nasty comment: “Your supposed ‘revolt’ will never materialize, as the English themselves are quietly […]

Market Talk — June 29, 2016

Asia performed well in what appeared to be trading in shadows the majority of the day. Rumors that the PBOC were about to cut rates saw a rally in Shanghai (+1%) only to drift off the highs by the close. Rumors of more BOJ easing (attempting to put even 40yr bonds into single digits). It […]

Standard & Poor’s Reaction Shows Political Bias

Rating Agencies Testify Before Congress for their AAA-Ratings after 2007 Standard & Poors downgraded United Kingdom (UK), which is comprised of England, Northern Ireland, Scotland, and Wales, from AAA to AA. This shows emotional and political bias rather than any substantial change in economics; they are making good on their political threats of 2015. S&P […]

Soros Lost Big on the Pound This Time

COMMENT: Soros has been long gold and sold all his stocks. He made a fortune. REPLY: No professional trader tells people what he will do in advance. Those announcements were made AFTER Soros took a position. I believe they were stories to create his exit. You get people rushing in who think they are joining […]

Market Talk — June 27, 2016

As we expected weekend headlines would dictate Monday’s trading and that is exactly what we have seen. The GBP continues to fall spreading uncertainty and confusion around the globe. In the UK the opposition party (Labour Party – known as the Shadow cabinet) saw ten members resign on Sunday and an additional nine members resign […]

It’s Not the British – It’s the EU

  While everyone is busy blaming the Brits, the real culprit is the EU. The audacity of various EU ministers demanding immediate withdraw is akin to a spouse who just discovered their partner was cheating. They may say beware of a woman scorned, well it looks like this applies to male politicians as well. The […]

BREXIT – One of Four Anti-Establishment Elections

  Many comments and emails are pouring in that our model correctly forecast BREXIT years in advance. Here is the picture for the next big chaos period — the US Presidential Election in November.  You can see that 3 out of 4 models show a Republican victory. Two of these show 60%+, which is unheard […]