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The Great Divide – Left v Right

COMMENT: You are wrong. Trump is the entire reason the country is divided. HR REPLY: I have stated numerous times that this is a global trend. Now the BBC has taken a world survey on this very question. This is the Ipsos MORI study, which was carried out in 27 countries for the BBC. You […]

Money Supply of Rome & Traditions

QUESTION: I found your article on the theory of money supply is not the source of inflation very fascinating. I was taken back by the fact that there were moneyers who signed the coins for their term each year as we still do today. Are there any other traditions from Rome that we still maintain with […]

The Future The Good and the Bad

  COMMENT: Good morning Mr. Armstrong, Thank you for your service to Mankind! I look forward to seeing you and Vicky again in Orlando. I was reading your Blog on stem cells and felt compelled to send you the attached. … One other item of note; one of my other clients had their boat seized in […]

Where The Future Looks Bright

QUESTION: Do you think stem cell research will be the next advance in medicine? KW ANSWER: It is a shame that much is misunderstood and has been driven offshore.  So many people think Stem Cells are taken from dead babies. They are gathered from the umbilical cord but can be extracted from your teeth or even […]

Australian Tax Office Scandal

COMMENT:  The Hunt for taxes Just to bring to your attention a scandal coming out with the Tax office in Australia pursuing aggressive revenue targets, and using unethical practices to generate it. D ANSWER: The scandal in Australia with the head of the Tax office is shocking involving a $165 million tax-fraud ­syndicate scandal. The police […]

Kidnapping for Profit

COMMENT: I read your piece on taking the profit out of prostitution to end kidnapping young girls. That has been a huge problem in Eastern Europe and girls were even getting kidnapped in Western Europe on vacation. Here in Italy, there was a huge problem of kidnapping people and demanding money from their families. The […]

Gold v Dollar

QUESTION: Hey Martin You always say that us in Europe better get our money out while we still can. I know that you recommend bank account in US but that isn’t always so easy. As some kind of alternative, what do you think about storing some gold in Asia ( Hong Kong, Singapore etc.) I am […]

The Failure of Human Judgment

QUESTION: You have said it is a waste of time to try to persuade a government to act in advance of a crisis. Nobody seems to even come close to you with experience and contacts. Still, do you think it is possible to ever change that reality? PL ANSWER: Sadly no. The only possible way to change […]

Nicaragua Protests Over the Collapse of Social Security

At least 10 people have died in Nicaragua during this week’s violent protests over the government’s planned changes to the social security system. Nicaraguans began protesting on Wednesday against measures that increase worker contributions and lower pensions. The economics of Marxism has completely failed and the decline in the birthrates spells doom for most pension […]

What’s Wrong with the Internet

While the Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg made the admission during questioning on Capitol Hill Wednesday that his personal data was in the Cambridge Analytica leak, there is something seriously wrong with the entire scheme of the internet which should be outlawed right now. Facebook, Microsoft and everyone else came up with the whole idea that they had […]