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The End Goal

COMMENT: Marty, the blog has been spot on recently… thanks so much for your efforts.  As time goes on, it may be beneficial for you to re-share both lesser and more well known historical examples for how society has instituted meaningful non-violent political change.  Perhaps later down the road readers could somehow coordinate by geographic […]

Dow & the Future

QUESTION: Hello Mr. Armstrong,  I am a big fan of your work. I read ALL of your blogs and have purchased some of your materials. You truly opened my eyes to how the world really works. I am unfortunately one of those public workers you talk about. I first hand see how my employers are having trouble […]

Military Takes Control of Thailand

On this War Cycle, Asia is about 2 years ahead of Europe. In the Cycle of War Report I noted that the cycle for China was slightly ahead of 2014. This is being reflected in the elections in India, which was an uprising politically against corruption there as well. Thailand has been in turmoil given […]

Return of Corruption – Sorry – Lobbying

Elected officials will do anything to maintain power. The name of the game is to to get re-elected at all costs, which preferably are yours. Running a campaign is expensive, so politicians are dependent upon contributions in return they take care of their friends. The proof is in the numbers. Strategas, a macro-research/brokerage firm formed […]

Why Conspiracy Theories Give Way Too Much Credit to Mythical People

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong; I retired this year from …. where my boss has gone to these yearly Bilderberg meetings. I just wanted to say that they are indeed as clueless as you report. Quite frankly, many follow your writings for the greatest fear is the Sovereign Debt Crisis and the global hunt for tax money. There is […]

Global Warming Fascist Movement & Academic Welfare

  Winston Churchill said that “History is written by the victors.” That is so true even among Establishment Academics. Anyone who thinks that Global Warming is really caused by man is naive to say the least. This is a political agenda to raise taxes by politicians and to reduce population growth among academics. What these people have […]

Is NYC Just Insane? No – Greedy.

The Actor Alec Baldwin was arrested Tuesday in New York City and issued two summonses — one for disorderly conduct for arguing with a cop (IRS Agent on Wheels) — after riding a bicycle the wrong way on a New York street, police said. NYC is so insane with attacking people for everything to hand […]

The Rise Against Corruption Is Also Inside USA

  COMMENT: They should title it ….”protesters protest corruption” Of course these small time medias are in the pockets of someone else. REPLY: Sometimes the small media just publishes events because it is news and they do not think about what is behind it. The major networks clean everything. There use to be the Fairness Doctrine, which […]

GDP of Poland & Ukraine – The Numbers Behind the Revolution

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong, I saw a chart showing Poland’s economy vs Ukraine’s economy since the end of the USSR and it showed that Ukraine’s economy is smaller than 1991. You stated the people of Donetsk have nothing left, but did they have anything to begin with? It seems the Ukraine’s government was destroying everyone’s saving […]

Will Government Confiscate Assets

QUESTION: If the public is racing to buy assets (real estate, coins, etc) will the government not try and confiscate everything we have, for the good of us all, to “help with our debt”? Thanks. SD ANSWER: There is no real precedent for confiscating everything other than communism and the crazy antics of Maximinus, who they […]