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British Politics Melting Down

Seven members of the Labour shadow cabinet have resigned and one has been sacked. Resignations so far include the shadow health secretary, Scottish secretary, transport secretary, and education secretary. Jeremy Corbyn is so far out of touch that he and Hollande simply remain in a total state of denial. Meanwhile, Scotland is showing its total ignorance of […]

Six More Countries Want Referendums to Exit EU

  Brussels simply went too far. They crossed the line after moving from an economic union to a political subordinate of Europe. Now, six more countries want to hold referendums to exit the EU; France, the Netherlands, Italy, Austria, Finland, and Hungary all could leave. With Hollande’s approval rating at about 11%, Merkel is lucky […]

Central Banks in Crisis Watch Mode

Our sources are saying that the central banks have come to an accord to cooperate in an effort to support financial stability in the wake of Britain’s vote to leave the European Union. This is akin to the Plaza Accord of 1985. Central bankers urgently gathered at the Bank of International Settlements in Switzerland to discuss the […]

The Impact of BREXIT on the EU

The true impact on Britain and Europe will start to become visible rather quickly. It is absurd to think that anything has to change in respect to trade between the EU and Britain. What this means is that Britain will not be subservient to Brussels and will be in the same position as the United States. However, our […]

Market Talk – Morning of June 24th, 2016 (Post-BREXIT)

As we witness the biggest fall in GBP in over 32 years, UK bank stocks are declining anything from 5% (HSBC) to 25% (Lloyds). Gold rallied and there was a flight to safety within the government bond markets. The UK population awoke this morning in the confidence that democracy has prevailed. In Boris Johnson’s comments […]

The British Pound & the Aftermath of BREXIT

  The pound sterling had a smashing day ranging between 15016 and 13226; penetrating the 2009 low of 13508 as well as the 2001 low of 13680. That leaves the prior low that formed in 1985 of 10520 on the cash (103 futures). This is rather important for it implies that we should see that […]

BREXIT Wins — The Panic has Subsided as Reality Returns

  Exactly on our cyclical model, the UK voted to leave the EU (52% to 48%) in a historic referendum after 43 years (half 8.6). David Cameron has announced he will resign as prime minister in October, and all one can say is good riddance. Cameron is stepping down despite the fact that 84 Eurosceptic Tory MPs […]

Buy the Rumor – Sell the News

Our numbers today are 1259.30 in gold nearest futures, 1.4830 in the cash pound, and 18018 in the Dow. Gold has crashed, testing the key support again, and the Dow rallied but also failed to breach the key resistance. As with all of this, the markets have pushed to extremes. Our model shows it really […]

Market Talk — June 23, 2016

A somewhat mixed and quiet session for Asia, which was really to be expected. JPY traded between 104 and 106 for the majority of Asian and European time zones, edging towards the 106 level as Europe closed. The Nikkei benefitted most of the day on the back of the last poll seen ahead of the […]

Banks Tell Employees to Vote Remain – Meaning A Vote to Leave Must Be Best

A record 46.5 million voters have signed up to weigh in on today’s referendum, which brings up one, single question: “Should the United Kingdom remain a member of the European Union or leave the European Union?” With the establishment opposed to BREXIT and the banks telling their employees to vote “No” to remain in the EU, […]