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Market Talk – October 16, 2019

ASIA: The US-China trade deal has been split up in two phases. Phase 1 is expected to be passed soon and entails pushing back the December 15th tariffs on Chinese goods. Phase 1 will introduce China to promises to protect US intellectual property rights, as well as increased purchases of US agricultural products between 40-50 billion […]

Market Talk – October 2, 2019

ASIA: Fresh protests have broken out in Hong Kong as anger mounts over police shooting a teenage protester and later defending it as “lawful and reasonable.” Meanwhile, China has criticized the US, UK, and the EU for siding with the “mob” and underplaying the violence of the protestors against the police. The Philippine foreign secretary […]

Abusing Children to Sell and Agenda

QUESTION #1: Hi Martin! What are your thought´s about Greta Thunberg, the klimat prophet from Sweden, now out on a US tour preaching about our near mass extermination? //Robert QUESTION #2: Hi Martin. I watched the news in stunned silence last night as a16 year old ragged at me, accused me and others of my […]

Market Talk – September 25, 2019

ASIA: Regarding the US-China trade deal, Foreign Minister Wang Yi met with US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo today. Mr. Wang Yi expressed that China had no intentions of removing the US from the world leader status. However, he stressed that the US must “remove all unreasonable restrictions” with regards to the trade deal. He […]

Market Talk – September 23, 2019

  ASIA: The Chinese government has announced that they will be sending employees to around 100 different companies in the tech hub of Hangzhou, according to state local media. The government is trying to help bolster the economy as part of their “New Manufacturing Plan.” Of those companies Alibaba has accepted the government’s proposal to […]

Market Talk – September 18, 2019

ASIA: The US and China will resume talks tomorrow in Washington, and China’s Vice Minister of Finance Liao Min will lead the “vice – ministerial” delegation to discuss trade and economic issues. The aim is to remove the upcoming tariffs which are expected to come into play on October 15th on over 250 billion USD […]

AOC: Stop Reproducing – Save the World

Stop Reproducing – Save the World Let’s prevent climate change, a naturally occurring cyclical phenomenon, by not having families. The proposition sounds like a dystopian nightmare out of Orwell’s “1984,” but it’s now the latest suggestion of “progressive” NY Democrat Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. “Our planet is going to hit disaster if we don’t turn this ship […]

Dark Forces & the Dying Embers of Freedom of Speech

QUESTION: Hi Martin, I’ve been a big fan of your blogs for all these years. May I ask if you have any recommendation of books or your previous blogs that can help us re-understand better the most important topic that impacts us and that is the understanding of the Cycles in our lives? Thanks and regards, […]

Market Talk – August 29, 2019

ASIA: Chinese military vehicles today have been seen moving into Hong Kong according to reports. However, according to the state run news agency Xinhua, this was just an annual exercise to make a schedule rotation. Of course, due to the tensions this could be seen as Chinese steps to military control of the region. Chinese […]

The True Nature of Socialism – Exerting Power

QUESTION: Dear Mr. Armstrong, Thank you for everything you do so well. My question to you is, “Do you agree that absolutely anything paid for using collected/extorted tax dollars is socialism?” Thanks in advance. Dave ANSWER: No. Building roads, schools, and infrastructure is not socialism. You cross that line when you engage in class warfare. […]