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Market Talk – August 21, 2019

ASIA: China announced that they will be looking into placing sanctions on any US company involved in the proposed US-Taiwan sale of F-16 fighter jets. The US approved of an 8 billion USD transaction of 66 aircrafts. Twitter and Facebook have apparently shut down Chinese state-owned accounts that were trying to downgrade the Hong Kong […]

Market Talk – August 20, 2019

ASIA: A new report released from Australia highlighted Chinese military force in the region. The report suggests significant improvements in Chinese military capabilities that could overwhelm US bases in the region in a matter of hours. This may indicate that the US stranglehold of the region could be at an end. Perhaps the report was […]

BREXIT & the Yellow Hammer Propaganda Pretend Leak

The report that paints the darkest possible scenario for Britain without ever mentioning that 60% of its trade is outside the EU and that any attempt by the EU to punish Britain will destroy the German economy which is preparing for a very deep recession since Britain is its #1 trading partner in the EU […]

Market Talk – August 19, 2019

ASIA: There are reports of military personnel in the city’s largest sports complex across the Hong Kong border in neighboring Chinese city Shenzhen. This is a reminder to Hong Kong that China is ready if the situation gets out of hand for local police. Meanwhile, a report from website Gizmodo is reporting that China’s largest […]

Why I Thank God I am Not 25

QUESTION: Mr Armstrong, In this morning’s blog you stated that the Dems are trying to take control of the power in Chicago, which I assume is the plan for everywhere eventually. My question is; In your opinion is the fact they are being so blatant in their attack on our freedoms indicate that they are […]

Market Talk – August 14, 2019

ASIA: China has described the Hong Kong protests as “terrorism” as clashes with police broke out after a few days of peaceful protests. All eyes are on the Chinese government on how they are going to deal with the ongoing situation in Hong Kong. US President Trump commented, “We’ll see what happens. But I’m sure it’ll […]

Market Talk – August 12, 2019

ASIA: A lot of videos are emerging on social media regarding the police brutality against the Hong Kong protestors, with a lot of attention on the Chinese government’s actions regarding the rising protests. Meanwhile, there is still no positive news regarding the US-Chinese trade war with some analysts speculating that trade negotiations have broken down […]

When did Trading Begin? Were Free Markets the Key to the Rise of Empires?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I figured there is nobody more qualified to answer the question of where and when did markets first begin to trade? Did markets have anything to do with the rise of nations you write about? KD ANSWER: Only those societies that developed financial markets ever rose to greatness. Those who bash markets […]

Political Change

Cycles of the past lead to future predictions By Dinah Wisenberg Brin The Associated Press Philadelphia   The political upheaval of 1994? They saw it coming two years ahead of time. The devastating Japanese earthquake? They’d been expecting it, albeit a year earlier….President Herbert Hoover … might be pleased with board Chairman Martin Armstrong’s prediction […]

Macron’s French Police Openly Attacking the People Seriously Injuring if not Trying to Kill Them

Unfortunately, as governments begin to collapse moving into 2021/2022 due to the complete failure of Socialism, they will not simply yield to the people and admit that their fiscal mismanagement is the cause of destroying everyone’s future. They will not go quietly into the light. Here we see French police acting no different than the […]