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The New Head of the EU Commission – they Call Him the “Monster”

Martin Selmayr, nicknamed “the Monster” by colleagues because of his fearsome reputation, has become the new European Commission Director General – the man in charge of the European Commission. He has been one of Brussels’ most controversial EU officials and he was unexpectedly put in charge of the entire EU civil service. Selmayr, who was chief […]

Draghi Confirms ECB Will not End QE

    Mario Draghi is by no means going to stop his Quantitative Easing program. All my sources behind the curtain express fear what will happen when Draghi leaves. Who will buy the government debt and who will keep subsidizing the governments of the Eurozone? Draghi has not merely declined to end Quantitative Easing, he has […]

War & Who is the Aggressor?

What is very clear is that the philosophy adopted by the US military post-World War II seriously threatens world peace and it diminishes the dignity of the United States. In the Cycle of War report, I provided the evidence that every single war we have engaged in has been a lie not just the invasion of Iraq […]

War & Markets – The Pre-Russian Revolution

  QUESTION: Marty; You so casually mentioned that Britain closed the share market during World War I and that such a risk exists in Europe. Can you elaborate on this at all? Thank you for all you contribute to society OD ANSWER: The entire period leading into World War I was a period of extreme socialism. […]

Has the ECB Been Manipulating the Euro?

There have been persistent rumblings behind the curtain that the ECB has been “frowning” on anyone taking short positions on the Euro. They have already outlawed shorting government bonds and they are trying to wrestle the market in the Euro from London to bring it within their power and control. Up until now, they have […]

War is Coming Because We Need It?

  QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I find it amazing that you were the only analyst I found who consistently called the bull market in the Dow until January. You have forecast even weather. You have so many correct forecasts there is nobody who even comes close. Then there is your War Cycle that turned up in 2014. […]

Mueller – the Secret Agent of the Deep State?

Robert Mueller’s team members are the people who destroyed Arthur Anderson. When the firm finally got to the Supreme Court, they overruled Mueller’s team for what they had done was unconstitutional. Well, they are back at it. This is what is wrong with our legal system. Prosecutors act with immunity and can do whatever they want FIRST […]

Italian Pension Crisis – a Blueprint for the Rest of Us

Back in 2011, the Italian government under Mario Montis instituted a pension reform deciding the Fonero right. Italy had to impose this reform to reduce its debt to comply with the Maschrict Treaty. The Social Affairs Minister Elsa Fonero, increased in the retirement age completely abolishing early retirement and eliminated indexing pensions to inflation above a threshold income level. […]

The Fate of Italy & the Italian Lira

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; A friend of mine worked for the central bank back in the nineties and he gave me a copy of this chart you provided to Italy on your recommendation not to enter the euro on the present terms back then. He said you were the only one with a database and nobody […]

Hungary Election Also Shows EU’s Days are Numbered

Viktor Orban has clearly won the parliamentary elections in Hungary winning 74.6% of the votes on Sunday in Budapest. His party could take 134 seats in the 199-seat parliament giving it a constitutional two-thirds majority. This is an amazing landslide victory for Orban that no American president has ever reached such a majority. The record is 61.05% of the […]