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The Blood Moon

COMMENT: when you write everything is connected I doubt even you appreciate how profound the connections actually go. highest regards, TY ANSWER: Absolutely correct! I have been able to see the connections with a massive database and computing power. I did not input the planetary movement, but that is not to say it would not be interesting […]

The Coming Tetrad – the Blood Moons

QUESTION: Martin, In reading the article below, I couldn’t help but notice the fourth blood moon (September 28, 2015) will almost coincide with the projected major turning point in your economic confidence model (October 1, 2015).  Is this coincidence or does your model take into account the movement of stars, planets and moons? Thank you for […]

US-South Korea-Japan Issue Warning to North Korea

South Korean – United States – Japan issue Warning to North Korea The antics of North Korea are rising with the Cycle of War since the model on Korea turned in 2012. South Korea, the USA and Japan have jointly warned the communist nation yesterday not to take any more provocative steps. The trend is […]

Inflation/Deflation Reality Check – Understanding the Rules of the Game

QUESTION:  I compliment you on your recent blogs about inflation/deflation. The blogs were instructive, and you had no agenda other than providing your best understanding of the topic. That cannot be said for all of the heavyweight government spokespersons that make public (mis)statements about this most basic economic process. My comprehension from reading your blog […]

Poland Confiscate Bond Holdings from Private Pension Funds – More Deflation

While everyone is paying attention to Russia, the European economy continues to spiral downward into its Debt-Deflation, and the rising cost of debt to EU members in real international terms is alarming. Poland on Wednesday confiscated all bond holdings of private pension funds. This will be booked on their balance sheet to reduce their debt […]

The Thailand Revolution

The movement in Thailand is interesting for the rally is called the People’s Committee for Absolute Democracy With the King As Head of State (PCAD). The rally gathered in Bangkok’s Lumpini Park. This is the trend that is going global. People are fed up with corrupt politicians. I have stated at the conference this is […]

Inflation is not Always Caused by Change in Money Supply – Deflation is Engulfing Europe

COMMENT: Marty; I have to say this was the best conference you have done since 2011. It was the most organized and the live demo of talking to the website was unbelievable. The film clip you showed on cycles was amazing illustrating the hidden order within the nature of all things. However, I do not […]

China Adopted our Capital Flow Models

COMMENT: The conference must have been exhausting; I know there is so much work and preparation that these events require. A lot to catch up on, but firstly, I saw this headline yesterday and thought I would forward it to you! If you ever needed assurance that China was following the model (which I know […]

Rising threat of International War

  Russia conducted military exercises on borders with Latvia and Estonia. Putin believes that landmass is the nation’s greatness – not its economic ability. This is very old school and it seems to be everyone is trying to be the next Roman Empire. The problem is, Rome built roads, economies, and turned the lands it had […]

Earthquakes & the Ring of Fire Intensifying on Schedule

We have been getting also a lot of emails requesting an update on earthquakes. About 5 hours ago, an 8.2-magnitude earthquake struck off the coast of northern Chile late Tuesday, generating a tsunami and triggering small landslides. It’s not so much the magnitude-5.1 earthquake that hit California – centered in nearby La Habra with well over […]