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Market Talk for May 31st, 2016

All the Asian indices performed well today and mainly off the back of the rumors that China -Shares are to be included in the MSCI soon. These were only rumors but we did see a 3.3% rally on the beck of the story. Also, on the back of a better than expected Japan Industrial Output […]

Open Letter to the Guardian

(feel free to forward this article to everyone) The Guardian headline is supporting government propaganda that 9 out of 10 economists warn of a dire future if Britain exits the EU. For a newspaper who published Snowden, I would expect a lot more integrity on this issue. The Guardian is reporting propaganda on a grand […]

EU Passed Tax ID Numbers for Everyone

The EU is laying the groundwork for everyone in Europe to be given a new tax ID number in preparation for moving to electronic money. They are using a National Insurance number pretense to disguise the real objective. This scheme was passed by the Economic and Monetary Affairs Committee last week. This is another step in […]


COMMENT: Dear Mr Armstrong, I have studied in Britain for a year as Erasmus (EU scholarship) student. The English students that go and study in Sweden do not have pay tuition as EU members but  if they go and study like I did as Erasmus students for a year they still have to pay fees […]

Market Talk May 27, 2016

Asian markets followed the mixed US session with a calm steady reply resulting in gains for the Hang Seng (+0.9%) and the Nikkei edging better (+0.4%) whilst the Shanghai closed small lower. G7 leaders stated that a vote for the UK to leave the European Union it would be a serious global concern. Ahead of […]

We are at The Edge of Meltdown

We will have the BREXIT report out next week. This is incredibly important for the fate of Europe hangs in the balance. Politicians are only interested in saving their own jobs. They do not care about the people and the markets reflect this arrogance. Nobody has seen a chart of the Euro v British Pound […]

BREXIT Should Win if the Turnout is Huge & Gov’t Can’t Rig the Vote

  QUESTION: You computer say BREXIT will win? ANSWER: Yes. Once the Economic Confidence Model cycle peaked on October 1st, 2015 (2015.75), politics is now in a phase of complete disintegration. What seemed impossible is now possible. Look, Cameron will try to rig the vote as was done in the Scottish election. However, we are […]

France Socialist Trade Unions Refusing to Reform – Civil Unrest Erupting

Our sources in France are unanimously warning that a major socialist union uprising is building in France and could erupt rapidly. The unions in France are notorious for being the most socialist, highly Marxist, in the entire world. To get their demands, they will go anything. They even kidnapped the head of Goodyear until he […]

Gold & the Dollar

QUESTION: Marty, it looks like the goldbugs will be wrong once again and you will be right after all. I can’t wait for your technical conference. My basic technical analysis looks like we are going to break $1,000. Your target for a high in May seems spot on also in the euro. I cannot see […]

Gold Perspectives

QUESTION: Did gold bottom on your first benchmark? When you say adjusted for inflation, gold should make a new high by 2023, do you mean we have to wait that long? ANSWER: We cannot ignore the fact that gold bottomed in dollars on the precise day of the target on the benchmark. However, you cannot […]