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Market Talk – June 24, 2019

ASIA / AUSTRALIA: The Chinese foreign minister has stated that they will “not allow” the G20 to discuss matters regarding Hong Kong. Recently, Hong Kong overruled a previous ruling that allowed Chinese extradition. Over the weekend, Chinese Vice Commerce Minister Wang Shouwen requested that the U.S. stop their inappropriate tariffs and actions against Chinese companies. […]

Changing the World v Dark Forces of Corruption

QUESTION: Hi Marty ! How can we really expect politicians to make any kind of decisions when even the best humans can only think of 2 MAYBE 3 aspects at a time…. let alone complex dimensions that your computer seems to be able to interpret so well. Are we due for a reality check in […]

Market Talk – June 19, 2019

ASIA / AUSTRALIA: Nikkei has reported that Apple plans to move some of its manufacturing out of China. However, it is unlikely that the jobs will go to the US against the president’s wishes. “A lower birthrate, higher labor costs and the risk of overly centralizing its production in one country. These adverse factors are […]

Will Chicago Real Estate Ever Rise Again?

QUESTION: Chicago real estate- is there any future before 2032 or do we hope for a Detroit situation as the only possibility for prices to rise? Thank you! Bob ANSWER: Real estate will rise marginally but only when we see the shift from public to private. However, that will not be a rally in real […]

Germany’s New Green Deal Has Failed – Energiewende

On March 11, 2011, when an earthquake-triggered tsunami damaged the nuclear power plant in Fukushima, Japan, Chancellor Merkel and her cabinet held that nuclear power in Germany had to come to an end. It was a historic event and a historic decision (see Der Spiegel). The new green deal of Merkel quickly became bogged down […]

Market Talk – June 6, 2019

ASIA / AUSTRALIA: President Xi of China met with President Putin in Moscow today. Xi mentioned he and Putin have a “deep personal friendship.” President Xi will stay for three days, focusing on trade and relations amongst the two countries. Reiterating his opinion, “In the past six years, we have met nearly 30 times. Russia […]

Market Talk – June 4, 2019

ASIA / AUSTRALIA: The U.S. reacted to China’s claim that the “U.S. [is] applying too much pressure” to the deal by stating China is playing a “blame game” by misrepresenting the trade talks between the two countries. The U.S. Department of State head Mike Pompeo released a press statement attacking China over their handling of […]

Millennials Saddled with Student Loans that Prevents them from Becoming Homeowners

New findings are out from the New York Federal Reserve that reveal a troubling outlook for millennials who have now reached over US$1 trillion of debt, but the worst of it is student loans. This is a sharp rise of 22% over the past five years and is worse than any other generation in history. […]

Swiss Occupational Pension Plan Turns Out to be a Ponzi Scheme?

  In Berne, Switzerland, there has been a redistribution in occupational pensions which has revealed that it too is not a funded pensions plan as people previously assumed. For at least twelve years, pension fund monies have flowed from the employed to the pensioners. The amount has reached a tremendous scale with funds in the […]

Cycle of War & Religion

QUESTION: Hello Martin, on Sept 12th 2013 you wrote about the ‘Return of the crusades’. Now, 6 years later, with the massive migrant crisis still ongoing, a lot of people consider leaving Western Europe bc Sharia law is looming everywhere. Mohammed takes the first place for baby names in many countries, sharia law spreads, kindergartens […]