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The Future The Good and the Bad

  COMMENT: Good morning Mr. Armstrong, Thank you for your service to Mankind! I look forward to seeing you and Vicky again in Orlando. I was reading your Blog on stem cells and felt compelled to send you the attached. … One other item of note; one of my other clients had their boat seized in […]

Nicaragua Protests Over the Collapse of Social Security

At least 10 people have died in Nicaragua during this week’s violent protests over the government’s planned changes to the social security system. Nicaraguans began protesting on Wednesday against measures that increase worker contributions and lower pensions. The economics of Marxism has completely failed and the decline in the birthrates spells doom for most pension […]

Has Trump Poisoned the Well?

QUESTION: At first, I thought you were just pro-Trump. But I have seen you criticize him on a number of things from trade to Syria. Do you think Trump has poisoned the well with regard to politics? What comes after him? HY ANSWER: Actually, your question is constructed upon a political fallacy. You assume that […]

Agriculture & Global Cooling

  QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Are you familiar with Professor Easterbrook of Western Washington University who agrees with you and is projecting a decline in temperatures for the next three decades? It seems that those who simply claim that it has been getting warmer live in a bubble of biased news. One even said to me that it […]

Where do We go? Is Any Place Safe?

  Many people have written in asking the same question: “My question is as follows. Since we are all connected in this world. Will there be any place at all that will not be affected by a WW3? “ So far, we do not see anywhere in the developed world that will be unaffected. That does […]

Low Inflation with Low Unemployment?

COMMENT: Good day Martin; Regarding: Market Talk- April 11, 2018 On the Fed minutes, you stated: “Interesting as they admit they are confused as to why unemployment is so low yet there is still no inflation. I will accept the challenge and take a stab at it. As you have stated many times trade is summed […]

Can Governments Dictate to the Free Markets?

QUESTION: Martin, Thank you for your work and I really enjoy reading your blog. I had a conversation with someone in the hedge fund world and thought he had a very good thought/point on government bonds. He suggested that to prevent a collapse, the government would mandate that retirement accounts hold a certain percentage in government […]

Unleash the Dogs of War

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, regarding your recent post about War, does this topic also relate to some hidden agenda about decreasing the world population? Thank you as always for your insight! Yours, JL ANSWER: There does not appear to be such a coordinated agenda. This is a few agencies who fear they are becoming redundant like NATO and […]

House of Lords Tries to Overturn BREXIT

The upper house in Britain has overruled the people trying to keep the UK in the EU which would destroy the British economy. The upper House of Parliament backed calls to remain in the EU customs union after Brexit. The House of Lords voted 348 to 225 to amend the government’s EU Withdrawal Bill in a real […]

Market Talk- April 18, 2018

Wall Streets euphoria spilled-over into Asia with many markets making gains. The one outsider today was the SENSEX which closed marginally lower -0.2%, breaking its recent winning streak. We continue to see the INR trade weaker against the dollar and now is heading for levels not seen since late September 2017. The majority of the […]